la gran siete Publish time 26-11-2019 05:59:13

Dahl ?yes i thought of that too

la gran siete Publish time 26-11-2019 05:59:14

That should prove very useful thanks

la gran siete Publish time 26-11-2019 05:59:15

I deleted moist of the above post because i realised a thread had already been started on the matter

shahedz Publish time 26-11-2019 05:59:16

also you shouldnt need to put much water in to create a sauce, because the water will come from the onions, i cook about 2 chickens at a time, with 4-5 onions and only need to put 1.5 mugs of water ( screw metric)

stepneg Publish time 26-11-2019 05:59:17

The recipes that you find in these sort of books although nice in their own right are nothing like a restaurant style curry.If you are looking for a madras or vindaloo with sauce thats familiar you will need to knock up an onion gravy\stock as previously mentioned by someone else.   The only book that get's anywhere close, but still not great is The Curry Secret by Kris Dhillon, there a few others like the 100 best Balti's but are out of print and tend to go for OTT prices.

overkill Publish time 26-11-2019 05:59:18

Thats the one. I'm glad I bought it when I did as it does indeed go for silly prices now. I was going to buy it for my brother but ended up photocopying chunks of it as it was too pricey.

Agree on the curry club books etc. They are too 'English palate' orientated.
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