Chox1988 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:59:27

Curry powder is nothing but a mix of other spices, it isnt actually a spice, its just the other spices you might normally use mixed together. But i cant fault the concept of covering up rotting meat, then i cant see why the meat might be rotting because it was eaten shortly after killing, in the long term they lived off vegetables and what not, at least thats what i always thought.

krish Publish time 26-11-2019 05:59:28

interesting links there

have to issue a correction regarding my earlier mention of Coronation Chicken
- it was invented just after the end of the British Raj...
for the coronation of the present Queen

horrible stuff if I say so myself

Colonialism resulted in that mild flavoured British invention Curry Powder spreading to the Carribean for use in Curried Goat and various dishes, patties etc

krish Publish time 26-11-2019 05:59:29

Yup, should have really been called British masala 
- or perhaps it is already called that by some???
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