RandomLee Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:44

Nice skin, and the Subtank looks cool with the black o-rings @nacmacfeegle 

I put a wrap on my Cloupor yesterday...


nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:44

That looks good Lee, #pimpmymod.
Black is the new black.
Was considering doing the same thing with a new mod I have coming this week

nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:45

Aha, stuff came sooner than expected, which is always good....
Heatvape Defender battery with a Subtank Nano. I wanted a smaller set up for stealth pub missions, but big enough to drive the tanks I have.I preferred the central mounting form factor against the Istick 30 with its overhanging platform. The reversible 510/ego ring is just a bit of a novelty, but I might use it at some stage with my Emow tank.

Its dinky, has a decent enough matt finish, carries a 2600mah power pack and goes to 25w.
Buttons are very clicky,a bit rattly, and the power setting scrolling will take a bit of watching, but these are all mentioned in various youtube reviews.
Another novelty is the lanyard hole, not sure when I'll use it, but it might stop me dropping the thing when the dog goes ballistic
Comparison with an Istick 50 and subtank mini.
Finally, side by side with the same subtank mini attys on both...

Ergonomically its really nice fit in my hand, and would suit ladies, or guys smaller hands, or just someone who doesn't need the duration/power of the larger mod.I hear its slightly bigger than the istick 30.

Edit:- its good from 0.5 to 3 ohms.

Hmm, should have tidied my desk up before I took the pics!

RandomLee Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:45

Looks wicked mate! You'll have to let us know how you get on with it after a few days use and it's first pub mission!

S3rv3d Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:46

Thanks for the info. No post holes might   be a slight con, but screws in posts don't catch sometimes or snap the wire if it's thin. I don't know what it is about Kanger but their threading is never the best, never as smooth as it could be. The best threading I've had was on my Nautilus Mini and my Lemo 2.

I've got the same cases as you for all my isticks. But was considering the others. But just seems a waste to replace them when they are doing the job they intended to do. The only thing is my istick 30 cases are a bit lose now. I removed the manufacturing film protector from the screen of the 30w isticks. They fitted tighter with it on. I think the top bit might start to get a bit saggy and lift on them as well, then start to get bits underneath.

I think I need to stop the spending for this month, it was Payday today and I think I've already blown 100 odd quid today, £50 on Kanthal, Nichrome and Ribbon Wire; £25 on Glass Bottles and then some other bits. That's in addition to the Subtank Mini at the weekend and a fancy £40 L.E.D lamp for my desk to build my coils under lol.

Your new mod looks pretty cool. Shame about you've gotta stealth vape in the pub, don't they allow it. My local is fine with it but I've only used the Aerotanks in there, I've not been blowing huge clouds with the Lemo inside.

Suave Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:46

Hi Guys,

Just a question regarding these silicone skins & the like for the various iSticks - considering that there are no venting ports anywhere on the iSticks, are these skins really a good idea? Would they not just help retain unwanted heat that might probably just dissipate via the metal casing? Just thinking they might create an excess heat issue?


nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:46

I think the holes are to allow minor expansion due to temp changes during charging etc, they are too small to allow 'airflow' for cooling.
I've never noticed any really serious heat build up on any of my batteries during charging, or discharging and the expansion port is served by venting through the usb connection.That is..as far as I can tell by simply blowing on mine (and getting some odd looks from my workmates...).
The Istick is good to 70 deg c at which point it will shut down, that's too hot to touch, and you would know all about it.The Heatvape is good to 60 deg C an dagain you would be very aware that something was overheating.IMO of course, if you house burns down, I take no reponsibility!

@S3rv3d if your silicon skins get a bit floppy, you can help it stay nice and firmly attached by smearing a little Sugru on at a couple of points, which I've done with my older Ipod skins that had really floppy silicon sleeves.It's pretty much a one way stick on as you might then have to trash the skin to take it off.The Sugru will come off the metal work easy enough though. I paid 3 quid for my Istick skin so am not overly worried about it and will just replace it if it gets bad.

About Sugru | Sugru

JimiAces Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:46

@S3rv3d Did you mix those juices yourself? could you share the recipe?

S3rv3d Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:47

Yeah I did. They aren't my recipes though. I got them on UKV which someone shared from reddit.

Mothers Milk
Capella's Vanilla Custard 7%
TPA Vanilla Swirl 2%
Capella's Sweet Strawberry 5%
TPA Dragonfruit .5%
TPA Orange Cream .2%
FA - Pear .2%
Sucralose 1 drop per 10ml (I didn't use this, don't like thing too sweet)

Dragons Blood
PA Dragonfruit - 10%
PA Strawberry - 4% (I used Capella Strawberry Sweet as it was all I had)
PA Bavarian Cream - 2%
PA Sweet Cream - 1%
PA Vanilla Swirl - 3%
Ethyl Maltol - 1% (again didn't use this because of sweetness. I now know EM is used to round off flavours and boost lower notes as well)

They are both quite nice, but the nicotine spoiled them for me. I thought my nicotine was peppery. Tried them both at the weekend just gone though, and that has calmed down bit. I haven't tried the originals though. So I don't know how they compare to them.

JimiAces Publish time 26-11-2019 20:30:47

Thanks, Think I'll give these a try
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