GuitarGuy Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:00

OUCH!!  Glad i havent tried it on my itaste mvp, damn thing costs 50 quid!

though i was considering rewicking with steel mesh and wondered what peoples experiences have been?

oska Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:00

Did it go bang? I thought most had some kind of protection to stop this but may be wrong. Have you got a multimeter?.

I don't have one myself but the iTaste tells you the voltage range to use a coil at so I assume if it was shonky it would give me some mad reading or nothing at all.

nero0410 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:00

Got everything through today and charged the batteries up, Sigelei ZMax Telescope V3 etc....

I have turned it on with the usual 5 'clicks', then it's 3 clicks for the menu and I thought it was 5 clicks to turn it off again.... but it just go's into the menu after 3 clicks and then just cycles through the menu for the other two clicks.

The first thing on the menu is 1. Out - On/Off. I turn it off so it doesn't fire up when I press the button, but it come's up with 'Out Off'.

Is that the way this device is off or am I missing something?


JDCFH Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:01

No ego batteries aren't protected so a short makes them go pop... Had to buy an emergency nicolite from the garage this morning... Bleurgh rank tobacco flavour...

JDCFH Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:01

No idea mate. No instructions?

Search online someone will know

oska Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:01

Ooof, I thought I was going to have to do the same tomorrow as down to the last 5ml of juice. Luckily vape mail turned up today in the shape of some Vermillion River's Kentucky Premium Blend. Lovely stuff.

DR Kronenbourg Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:02

I think you must need to press a button to accept off! Next time you cycle it will say on and that will need accepting to switch back on, I don't have the mod but if its showing off but isn't off you must need to accept it by pressing something.

nero0410 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:02

If you want to call them that I have instructions 

Been having a search and can only find that it's 5 clicks to turn the device on. The only mention of turning the device off is removing the battery.

Here's what it says in the instructions about the out on/off word for word:

That only stops the device from firing the atomiser, as when you press the button it still has an 'out off' pop up in the display.

To turn it on it says to press the button 5 times, but no mention of turning it off completely.

I have spent half the day googling, I'll have to give the store a ring I guess.

I can turn the output to fire up the atomiser off, but that's about it.


DR Kronenbourg Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:02

Did you watch Todds review? There might be something in that!

nero0410 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:02

Yep, before I purchased. Wasn't specifically looking for it then, I'll watch it through again and see if he mentions turning the device off.

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