NewfieDrool Publish time 26-11-2019 20:36:54

Big old mods and cloud chasers

With the arrival of some mods taking 4 18650 batts and the Smok TFV12 is anyone tempted by these huge devices that create movie set fogging effects.
I've watched a couple of vids on the new TFV12 and my word this thing chews through liquid but are you tempted?

GMC79 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:36:56

Got the TFV8 and yeah can chew thru 6ml in well well under 100 hits. The big tanks are decent and was tempted to try the V12 or the melo 300 but im pretty happy with my rda's.
If was trying another big tank it would be the melo 300 looks awesome since ive tried the TFV8.

The big stuff like that are not exactly that mobile. The rx300 is huge, as is my primus which is also annoying me with its utterly shoddy 510.

NewfieDrool Publish time 26-11-2019 20:36:57

I have to say the Rx200s I have has a poor 510. My Ammit just will not screw down.

I'm not sure they are for me, seems they are great for clouds but not so on taste, might be tempted to try one but I think they are party pieces to be honest.
I really need a two battery mod at the moment to pair up with the Ammit, I'm waiting for YiHi G class to come back into stock as I have a shop about 5 miles away that sell them.
Do like the larger mods though for home use.

GMC79 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:36:57

Yeah great for home use and the big tanks can still be decent for flavour when find a sweet spot tfv8 is quite good but not on par with a good rda build.
Tank can wobble on the primus unless crank it down past point of when it should be on fine.

sniffer66 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:36:57

I'm curious how much juice everyone goes through.
I can easily get through 30ml in a day on my limitless plus. But I'm mixing my own now so cost isn't really an issue.

NewfieDrool Publish time 26-11-2019 20:36:57

Depending on the atty I use I get between 5 and 10ml if I'm pushing it.
With the withdraw of nicotine in bulk and 75mg coming soon it will start to work out more in price.
If that happens we may well see a turn around where cloud chasers start to hunt attys with a tighter use of liquid. The only good news is less nicotine is used in the big boys compared to some. I started out at 35mg of nicotine when I had my Screwdriver and the plastic tank atty with a 3.2 resistance.

sniffer66 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:36:58

I can see more people starting to go the DIY route. I've got enough Nic stored now to last me another year and about 8 litres of juice steeping. The companies I use are also lining up 10ml shot bottles of Nic to get around the TPD. Will take about 10 shot bottles per 500ml I believe and will make it a bit pricier but still way cheaper than buying per-made premium juice.
I've no idea how cloud chasers afford buying pre-made juice...

I'm on 3mg now but looking to drop that, if I can get to zero nic eventually life will be much easier 

NewfieDrool Publish time 26-11-2019 20:36:58

You are as bad as me  I've 2 litres of nicotine stored and just open a 500ml one. It's so much cheaper.
Trouble is I keep forgetting I've a load in the freezer which is hidden away.

GMC79 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:36:58

I got bored of diy and went back to buying and trying odd bottle from vapeclub and my heisenberg from local store i love.
When that is gone tho im gonna get some heisenberg concentrate from vamp vape and try that and ive got a Flawless, Aftermath blueberry donut juice to crack open next.

Ordered some T10 coils for my TFV8 as just swapped out for my last coil T8 last night.
I dont get all bad reviews for the tfv8 about leaking!. Are they all getting clones or something? Not a hint of leak anywhere and had mine months.

NewfieDrool Publish time 26-11-2019 20:36:58

Some hate them and will chip on moan threads, some treat them badly and I bet some use a horrible PG mix and have no idea what it's all about. I'm sure some are just unlucky but if it works for you and you enjoy it then why not.
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