Saldawop Publish time 26-11-2019 20:45:04

This did the trick. Although saying that even at 520 it isn't HOT. But then I have no idea if it should be

boltlock Publish time 26-11-2019 20:45:04

I'm glad it worked for you mate. I use Celsius for my temps and find around 200 degrees is plenty for me but most of the time I'm in VW anyway.

520f is about 270c so perhaps you just have a higher tolerance than me.

Saldawop Publish time 26-11-2019 20:45:05

Is charging the battery in the mod OK?

boltlock Publish time 26-11-2019 20:45:06

If you mean in the TopBox Mini, then yeah no problem. You can even use it while charging.

Saldawop Publish time 26-11-2019 20:45:06

How long should the battery last on the things? Took it off of charge yesterday morning. Used it while I was at work. Got home, and had three quarters of the battery left so I thought no need to charge. This morning I used it, had half a dozen puffs on the way to work and then all of a sudden nothing! Have half The battery left, but when I press the button the battery shows empty

Saldawop Publish time 26-11-2019 20:45:07

Just tried again, it's working in that I get a bit of vapour but feels like I am I am inhaling fresh air

Saldawop Publish time 26-11-2019 20:45:08

Just got home. Plugged it in, and the charging screen comes on and shows 3/4 full. Very strange

boltlock Publish time 26-11-2019 20:45:08

Before I got a dedicated charger I just used to plug mine into my PC while I was working/gaming so it would always be topped up. I'd also consider investing in another battery as a spare.

As these devices are high drain, the fall-off on the batteries does happen rather quickly so to combat this you want to be looking at higher mAh really. Around 2500is a good starting point up to about 3500 but I'd beware of going any higher in case of fakes.

Saldawop Publish time 26-11-2019 20:45:09

Cheers Boltlock. I did invest in a charger and a couple of batteries(Samsung 25r). Turned up today  along with some Glazed Donut Ejuice. Looking forward to trying that.
Hopefully originals , ordered from EBay, seller was recommended here or on Reddit so all good , fingers crossed.

boltlock Publish time 26-11-2019 20:45:10

If it's a recommended seller then I'm sure you'll be ok, plus the Sammy's are decent batteries too. Look forward to your thoughts on the liquid. 
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