walks Publish time 26-11-2019 20:49:50

From what I read I think the issue was to do with the temperature the battery would reach at high amp draws. Based on what he has written he was saying that discharging the battery at 40 amps caused the temperature of the battery to get too high and the same was true at 30 amps.

Clicking one of the links and it shows that Torchy has also performed some tests on these batteries. His testing shows that after a small number of discharges (3) at high amps (30A and 40A) then the batteries pretty much lose ther capacity and are fairly worthless. He quotes capacity of 804mAh at 10A and 1000mAh at 5A

nero0410 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:49:51

Right, got it sorted now, the proper chap was in there today and just done a straight swop of the tank from the Smok micro GDC for a Smok GCT (Gimlet Cloud Tank.)

Filled up the tank with some liquid, well the free liquid I got first, then syringed it out and gone to some 50/50 wizards brew (Magma Flow.... or orange, also 6mg nicotine), set it to 30w and damn there is a TON of flavour!! Much, much more than I was getting with the pro vari and Kanger Protank 2. I'd love to get hold of some Grants Vanilla Custurd, my fave vape so for, for a try with it, but he's always out of stock when I look.

So first impressions are very good for me, very smooth vape, not too much throat hit, loads of flavour and I can buy pre made coils 

The coils for it, which it comes with two of, are £4 each or buy four get one free in the shop, but I saw that the site that mkoll mentioned they are selling them for £2.20 or £1.95 each if you buy 5. So I guess myepack.co.uk are the place to go for replacments. I presume they will likely last 3-4 weeks per coil?? But seeing as I can get them for less it's a lot better 



mkoll Publish time 26-11-2019 20:49:52


walks Publish time 26-11-2019 20:49:53

The length of time coils last depends on a few factors. The juice plays a big part, some juices will gunk up coils pretty quickly, especially dessert/custard type flavours. Also, high VG juices will gunk up the coil quicker than one with a lower VG content. The more juice you use daily (which you will find you will do now you are sub-ohming) the quicker the coils gunk up. So don't be too surprised when a coil only lasts a week or 2.

After a while of buying new coils all the time you'll want to get into rebuidables. Sounds daunting at first but it's actually quite easy.

nero0410 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:49:54

Oh dear, well this happened within 5 days of getting the Smok GCT (see below.) I've only had to fill it up 3 times. It was fine when I left it in the living room last night, woke up this morning and it had cracked over night and leaked everywhere, since I filled it up to todays vaping before bed.


It is pyrex glass, or is supposed to be, but I'd never had any cracks in any of my kanger tanks at all over the past few years.


nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:49:55

FWIW, I've had a couple of Kanger tanks crack, once an obvious drop which stuffed it, another time it was just a topple, then the tank cracked for no reason a couple of days later.Pyrex can be weird stuff.
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View full version: Still using my Pro Vari & Kanger 2 Tanks, but wanting to get some more flavour/cloud, any advice??