Timmy C Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:54

Alternative to Kanger pro tank 2...any suggestions?

Long story short,I bought a Kanger pro tank 2 ages ago when using ego batts and hated it so stuck with my vivi novas. Further down the line I bought a Nemesis mod and tried the protank again and now love it...seems amongst other things I was having an airflow problem with the protank/ego combination.

Anyway I'm now planning on getting another mod, maybe another Nemesis, perhaps a Stingray (not really looked into it yet so suggestions welcome) and was going to buy a second protank but then thought maybe I should try something else. I want something similar to a protank with easily rebuildable heads and glass tank but thought it would be nice to try something different. What do you guys recommend? Any protank owners have something equally good or better I could look in to getting? Not looking to spend too much and will probably buy from Fasttech as I'm in no rush.

All suggestions much appreciated.

oska Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:55

I used Protank 2's for about a year until I switched to the Kayfun lite clone and have only used that since. Minimum maintenance, rebuild the coil once a week and just rewick it on every refill. If you can rebuild a Protank coil this is a piece of piss compared.

There are plenty of alternatives out there but I just wanted a simple no fuss, no leak option.

RandomLee Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:56

NatureVape Midi Pro if you want to stick with replaceable coils.

Lots on love for them on here and was my go-to tank until I moved onto rebuildables (Lemo Drop FTW!).

Otherwise the AnyVape Davide Glassomizers are really good, and take Kanger coils.

I haven't used the full sized Pro Tank but did have a PT Mini 2 and preferred the NV Mini and Davide Mini and Mega.

If you want to make you own coils then there's the Lemo, Kayfun, Orchid, Billows, Fogger, to name but a few popular models.

Timmy C Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:57

Thanks for the tips. Think I'll order a Kayfun for now as I've seen that name thrown around a number of times. Once the novelty of that one wears off I may get the NV too!

Lomez Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:58

kayfun has a few issues to be honest,doesnt handle low ohms well,tight airflow,tends to be a bit leaky if not filled correctly,id look at the Lemo (full size or drop) similar deck to the kayfun,but has far superior airflow trust me you'll love more air flow :-Dand its an original that costs like £26.

NewfieDrool Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:59

I've not had an issue with my Kayfun to be honest. It's the lite version and apart from a fall which I had to replace the plastic case which was fitted it's been good.
However the lite is rated to around 1.5ohms and the new version the Kayfun 4 is rated to 1 ohm.
Airflow is down to how you like it, mines not fully opened and I like it that way.
I'm tempted though to try the new version which has a glass tank as an option.

Timmy C Publish time 26-11-2019 20:54:00

This one?


RandomLee Publish time 26-11-2019 20:54:01

That's the one, but for a few quid more you can get it in the UK, delivered within a day or two. Fasttech by name, Slowtech by nature 


Timmy C Publish time 26-11-2019 20:54:02

Oh yeah I know Fasttech's name was most likely chosen as a joke! I planned to check prices elsewhere before ordering but I plan to order some other bits and bobs from fasttech anyway so just used that link to make sure I was looking at the right thing.

oska Publish time 26-11-2019 20:54:04

I've never had a leak from my Kayfun (clone), in fact it's so reliable and consistently good I can't be bothered to try anything else. I can even recoil and wick it half cut on a Friday night. Only bought it cheap from Fasttech to try it out but haven't used anything else since I got it in December.

The only thing I would consider is a Lemo as it has a very similar deck.
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