Tempest Publish time 26-11-2019 20:55:40

It does seem daft to ban something in certain places, which is visually obvious when someone is doing this thing. Smoking.
And then to allow people to start using a fake? replacement that is being made, in main instances to look and perform visually, and I guess chemically to resemble the real thing.
If we can smoking in cars, then how will the police be able to realistically tell if it's a fake cigarette.
Or even across a room, or down a train carriage etc, are you supposed to go up with your "itentiFag" kit before you can decide if they are breaking the rules or not.
Of course, it's going to encourage some people to "vape" if their social circle are doing so, it's what young people esp do, follow the group.
It's impractical to police a law if you allow fake, same performing products to be used.

In a similar light, lets say, you ban guns from the high street, then allow people to buy and carry fake replica guns make to look like the real thing. We know that would be stupid to allow.

Toko Black Publish time 26-11-2019 20:55:41

Agreed - it's seems more like pettiness.
If it's shown to be doing others significant harm, then fair enough, but the only reasonable justification for the original smoking ban is that of potential harm to others.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 26-11-2019 20:55:42

Get the point, however it is so easy to smell the difference...Smoking smells...vaping doesn't...simple...Someone doesn't even have to smoke and walk into that carriage and you can smell it...Vaping doesn't...Vaping doesn't burn anything, and in the burning process is where there are the harmful elements...

This really doesn't have to be complicated.....But it can be if people want government to choose everything for us...I don't like such a society...

Desmo Publish time 26-11-2019 20:55:43

We've all got one of these kits built in. It's called a nose.

mjn Publish time 26-11-2019 20:55:44

Vaping does smell, it has a nasty sickly sweet smell, but that could be down to the flavours people use though.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 26-11-2019 20:55:45

Definitely depends on what they use to flavour if any. Mine didn't smell at all. Key point is that it doesn't contain any harmful ash. So at worst it is an annoyance like someone's perfume or bo.

markgodley Publish time 26-11-2019 20:55:46

I'm a none smoker and agree vaping can smell.

I take a work colleague to work sometimes and he asked if he could vape on the way to work. I had previously thought it was odorless. However the flavour he had wasn't, it was quite the opposite. It was quite overpowering orange smell and i personally didn't like the smell. As a result i had to tell him not to do it on the way to work.. which he kind of took offence and became quite defensive and started to stating "its not harmful". Whilst i agree it may not be, i don't choose not to have a foul smell in my car, forcing me to breathe it in the vapour also..

On the other side, when i have been behind people in the street and their vaping i cannot smell it, i guess it depends on how confined the space is.

Overall I'd prefer it to be banned in public places.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 26-11-2019 20:55:47

I prefer disgusting perfume and leggings to be banned as well.

However we should remain conscious of what we request from government to restrict our movements. Why ban it from public places.

Ps. Ever noticed the smell coming out of a tin or red bull  or those people on the milky shake diet. Etc.

Be very careful what we are asking for.

Iain42 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:55:48

Definitely agree on the leggings.Fat legs in leggings and wrinkly leggings, yuk!

Solar Publish time 26-11-2019 20:55:48

Much less than it makes from handing out NRT to those trying to quit.
Smoking is big business, quitting is bigger business. 
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