indianwells Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:53

I'm not sure, I really enjoy mine. Harm wise I guess nobody knows but we certainly know real cigs are extremely harmful.
There is talk of ecigs being banned, if they are I certainly won't be going back on the fags.

menz83 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:53

I have read that too, something about nicotine coming under the medicines act and needs licensed to be sold? Nicotine within tobacco will remain under tobacco laws - typical! Something makes me think its all about the money! I agree with you though, no way i'd go back to the fags.

S Bibby Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:54

Just out of interest, are these being sold as a quit aid or something that looks cool in your mouth? If it's the latter I don't think I could really sell them since smoking is already fairly heavily promoted in the media. Isn't there a Nicorette product that does much the same thing?

menz83 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:54

Its not allowed to be advertised as NRT. It is known as a nicotine delivery method but it is far different from nicorette inhalers. These use a battery and atomiser to 'vaporise' liquid nicotine(amongst other things). It gives very similar sensations to smoking as in taste, feeling in your throat as well as exhaling smoke/vapour. I think for many, the nicotine helps with the physical addiction, yet the vapour etc helps with the psychological aspect. I certainly wouldnt say it looks cool and its definitely not aimed at kids! There are conflicting arguments against any health benefits. New Zealand government have already approved e-cigs as a healthy alternative where as Australia and some states in the US have banned them. Why would governments want you using them when there isnt a huge amount of duty attached to them?

BBC NEWS | Health | Fears over electronic cigarettes

S Bibby Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:54

I see, I wasn't aware they contained nicotine - my concerns were that it does seem to marketed as an alternative to smoking, perhaps to casual users(down the pub etc.)

kopchoir Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:54

Guys have you got some links from reputable retailers that you use to get these whats the best way to start on these ecigs could you post up what you have found from the start of your ecig life and whats the best thing to get when first starting these


menz83 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:54

My advice is read as much as you can. The Liberty Flights forum is a good place to start as there are plenty of guides.

Dont let websites suck you in with the "1 cart = 20 cigarettes" as its all lies, 1 cart, depending on size is roughly around 5 real ciggies. Dont buy pre-filled cartridges, buy empty ones and fill yourself with liquid, its much cheaper and each cart can be refilled many times. Experiment with flavours until you find a few you like. Some are disgusting but others are really good, but at only £3 per 5ml bottle you wont waste too much money.

There are a range of e-cigs to choose from. I use the DSE-901 and I highly recommend it for beginners. Its simple to use and refilling carts is a breeze. Liberty Flights do an "elite" bundle that includes 3 batteries, 3 atomisers, 5 empty carts, charger and any 5 5ml flavours. It costs around £50 with a discount code (easily found on LF forums) and includes next day delivery. The start up costs are a little more than running costs but you will save a fortune in the long run. Atomisers and batteries do need replacing come time but the elite bundle should easy last you a month in terms of liquid.

E-Liquid (Liberty Flights)

Electronic Cigarette e-liquid / Totally Wicked e-Liquid / electronic cigarette eliquid nicotine fluid products

Electronic Cigarette / Electronic Cigarette Company / buy electronic cigarettes

I personally use Liberty Flights but I know the other 2 are both reputable and reliable traders.

27neth Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:54

I have just ordered the Elite bundle  I might as well give it a try..


scotty78 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:55

I know this is a really old thread but would like to hear how you guys are getting on with e cigs now?Thinking about giving them a go myself

alan280170 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:55

Tried them, got them still like a proper ciggie.
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