bruce-leroy Publish time 26-11-2019 21:34:03

Asda 2 for £12 blu ray promotion

As you may know, Asda have an ongoing promotion in store (maybe online but I've never checked) of 2 (recent-ish) Blu ray titles for £12. The titles constantly change every month and usually always updated with newer-ish titles each time. Sunday just gone, I went into my local asda and they had a few titles in the promotion that are slightly more expensive on amazon:

Robocop 2014 - amazon £7
Wolf of Wall Street - amazon £8
Sabotage - amazon £8
World War Z - amazon £8

I also noticed jack reacher for £5 on a separate promotion a few weeks back, but that may have finished now.

akivo Publish time 26-11-2019 21:34:04

Offer is online also but only a few titles, different titles to the ones mentioned by the OP.Also there's a 2 for £16 offer but only two in there!

pj Publish time 26-11-2019 21:34:05

got jurassic park 3d 

Urien Rheged Publish time 26-11-2019 21:34:06

Enders Game also available in store (I got it with Jurassic Park 3D)

bruce-leroy Publish time 26-11-2019 21:34:06

Asda have added some 'newer' titles to the in store (may be online also but I don't buy blus online from asda) 2 for £12 promotion:


The likes of Southpaw, straight outta Compton and Jurassic World are still much dearer on Amazon so if you have at least 2 you want, it's a good deal.  I bought Southpaw and JW.

replicant81 Publish time 26-11-2019 21:34:07

Nice prices, its probably because they are all on sky movies now. I might try and get SOC with slip and MI5 though.

Oh and asda dont do blurays or any media online now, shame really.
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