richardb70 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:43:23

Bit of a necro but didn't know this thread existed until just now.

I actually bought a PS1 for this game . Had returned from a couple of years backpacking around SE Asia, Australia, India etc and had been working for a few months so had some money in my pocket. Was in a Virgin megastore (if memory serves) and they had this as a demo, I was absolutely hooked and bought the console and game (on a special offer) on the spot.

It's still one of my favourite games today. As others have mentioned, I've yet to hear a better soundtrack. It's just beautiful, what more can I say? The sparse game audio is incredibly atmospheric. Graphics, who cares, yes it looks blocky as hell today (but see below) but the gameplay was fantastic, that sequence with the dinos is justifiably famous and the story was pretty strong.

I recently bought the GoG versions of TR 1, 2 and 3 running via DOSBox. There are online guides on patching TR1 using these files to run with the 3dfx enhanced effects. On a PC, it looks rather impressive @ 1440p and I prefer it to the Anniversary release which wasn't too shabby either.

Not really feeling the love with the new TR games by comparison. Sure, they're fun but they're not Tomb Raider.
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