Haggler Publish time 26-11-2019 22:46:05

Golden axe (Megadrive) : Appreciation thread

Deemed one of the greatest games of all time Megadrive (1990)

                                                                                                                                        /proxy.php?image=http://i33.tinypic.com/j0z01t.jpg&hash=233735254ae92a465b48164559b0d814                                                                                                                                                /proxy.php?image=http://i34.tinypic.com/2qkovo7.jpg&hash=8b1a4f7622c9c9ff50de4e320d6d6c5d       

Wikipedia game info Click here

Golden axe wiki (Click on individual contents to view) Click Here

If you owned and played this game on another format feel free to post within
this thread regardless, alternate formats won't be getting a separate thread as
that would be overkill, just mention the format you played it on when posting.

Complete list of all the already posted or upcoming
Classic retro game Appreciation threads is available Here


Haggler Publish time 26-11-2019 22:46:07

Post all your recollections and classic gaming moments of this awesome game here, it was and still is one of the best games ever made, relive those memories within this thread.

Anyone wishing to submit a review for this game please do so, i'd be glad to link to it at some future stage, everyone else post those stories of gaming heaven Golden axe related of course.

Ideas for posting could include :-

How much you paid for the game?
Did you pay over the odds for an import release to get it early?
Was it worth the money?
Did you do a midnight game collection on day of release?
Did this title influence your decision to buy it's associated system?
How has it stood up to the test of time?

Alongside the usual game play and game content discussion, which is always welcome, the possibilities are endless.

DVD-Man Publish time 26-11-2019 22:46:08

Ideas for posting could include :-

How much you paid for the game? £39.99
Did you pay over the odds for an import release to get it early? No bt picked it up in 91
Was it worth the money? yes
Did you do a midnight game collection on day of release? wasn't the done thing back then LOL
Did this title influence your decision to buy it's associated system? No not really.
How has it stood up to the test of time?Dunno, I still enjoy so I say yes but it was one of my first console games so like your first car you'll always like them.


bonzobanana Publish time 26-11-2019 22:46:09

I remember being awe struck by the arcade machine. Thinking the graphics were amazing. My first home golden axe experience was on the commodore 64. A surprisingly good version. By the time I'd got a Megadrive I'd played the game to death on other formats like amiga but still enjoyed it. I think I even played CPC and Spectrum versions at some point.

Tacozilla Publish time 26-11-2019 22:46:10

I remember my brothers getting it for our Megadrive, as we all shared the one console. It was a great game, and even now i find myself playing it, as i have it on my Megadrive (bought a Japanese one last year), HTC Desire HD and i also have it on one of those Blaze HandHelds.

I think that for its time, the port of the arcade version to the megadrive was done very well indeed. Sure the graphics werent as sharp as the arcade verion but unlike other arcade ports it was pretty much the same game.

Venonomicon Publish time 26-11-2019 22:46:11

Of the megadrive classics the golden axe series is one of the best.
I love golden axe so much I recently bought a megadrive to play it old school!
I also have emulated versions on pc, ps3 in the ultimate megadrive collection, blaze sega magedrive hand held and on psp.


too cool for school baby!
I originally played it on mastersystem, sucking up a one player version with only Ax Battler to play as.
still loved it and the RPG title GOLDEN AXE WARRIOR too!

I can play a part of one of the level themes on keyboard!


Epic epic epic.

Haggler Publish time 26-11-2019 22:46:12

Try this freeware pc remake and play as a skeleton too :-


And there's this one too



Venonomicon Publish time 26-11-2019 22:46:13


the music is great, and the combat is deep. Much deeper then streets of rage.
equally deep as Alien Storm. Very good!

lets all kick a midget and steal his meat and bottles of stuff!


Dodgy_Geezer Publish time 26-11-2019 22:46:13

Hands up all you stingy Tyrus Flare players who would never use the magic and hoard the potions just to see the dragons head waste everyone 

(* raises hand)

Fantastic version this, there were multiple enemies on screen and unlike in the C64 version (although that too was very good given the hardware) you had the all important two player mode too.

And the end sequence was ace too where the arcade comes to life and the Golden Axe crew start chasing the players.

Other highlights I remember are the two player co-op games that rapidly descended into a slapfight once your so called buddy would nick vital meat/potion/creatures and then "accidently" flame or hit you when you had just one bar of energy left. I don't I ever finished that game in a two player mode 

douki Publish time 26-11-2019 22:46:14

I think Goldenaxe may have been one of my first gaming experiences, on a spectrum I think. It was round a friends house as my family was no way rich enough. I must have been about 6 or 7 at the time. My friend never let me be the dwarf and he also said that the woman was better than the man as she was faster, I'm not sure whether there was any truth to that.
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