brendonw Publish time 27-11-2019 02:30:49

Question Recommend a monitor for PC and Xbox360

Need a dual purpose monitor for Xbox360 and PC duties.

PC is only for light office duties.


next010 Publish time 27-11-2019 02:30:50

Assuming your x360 is a later model it will have HDMI if it's an old launch model that only has VGA support.

Anything from BenQ should do, good quality, not expensive, built in speakers and a toggle in the display settings for turning on HDMI black level RGB limited when using the HDMI connection, this is required otherwise image quality will be affected when using the Xbox 360. The x360 does have some settings to change the HDMI black levels on the console side if your unable to change it from the monitor side.

Only downside to BenQ is the fiddly menu system to change inputs, the buttons are behind the screen. Monitors with a mini joystick are much faster for switching inputs.

The BenQ G2470HM is a 24" for £115, you can see their other models on the website, select home & office (don't pick gaming), speaker, 1290x1080 and HDMI, that will filter the list. The reason to not pick gaming is because those are all awful TN flim displays, only used by ultra low latency counterstrike obsessive types. TN flim looks crap unless your dead center on the screen.

brendonw Publish time 27-11-2019 02:30:51

Yes it is HDMI. Thanks for all the useful info. Appreciated 
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