Snakemanstu Publish time 27-11-2019 02:35:27

Question Which headset?

Just picked up a one s and looking to get a half decent headset,wired or wireless.Looked at the turtle beach xoat 29.99 on amazon and also the turtle beach xo four stealth at £42 at argos..are these any good or is there better out there for under £50.I have a bluetooth set of headphones but was told they wont work is this correct?..sorry for the noob questions

Rorifett Publish time 27-11-2019 02:35:29

If you open a new very account you can get the lucid sounds ls30 for £55 just now with a £25 off £50spend

Snakemanstu Publish time 27-11-2019 02:35:30

Cheers already have a very account so wont get the discount will I?

Rorifett Publish time 27-11-2019 02:35:30

I thought I had a Very account but it turned out I didn't under the email address I was using 


Not that it matters, they're back up to £109 today. Argos got them at £79 but there are Sennheisers that are potentially better for some users.

You may well have missed some of the bargains though given the black friday/cyber monday stuff is over. How much are the TB's showing as now?
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