Overlord69 Publish time 27-11-2019 02:36:54

Terrible experience of Xbox support

I had to return a faulty Xbox One controller (less than 6 months old) that had developed very bad drift on both analogue sticks. After a wait for the replacement to turn up I was hugely disappointed to receive a very dirty and what appeared to be used replacement. The replacement controller was covered in what appeared to be dead skin and grease. I had to clean and sanitise the controller as I considered it to be unhealthy to even touch it as it would have be covered in bacteria and gods knows what else.

I phoned "Xbox Support" to complain and after over an hour on hold I gave up trying to contact "Xbox Support" by phone. I then contacted "Xbox Support" on Twitter and guess what I got no reply. I did get a "Direct Message" request for feedback twice with regards to my support experience. I completed a message in reply twice and then got no reply to them. I've also completed 2 surveys with regards to the quality of the support service...

It's now about a month or so later and the replacement has now developed a fault of it's own, which I reported (04-09-2016). The controller exhibits horrendous buzzing on my "Turtle Beach" gaming headphones as well as my 2 high-end "Sennheiser" headphones therefore proving its the controller at fault!

I had to make 4 phone calls lasting approximately an hour each time and a 77 minute chat on the chat version of support on the Xbox website. I also made attempts at contacting Xbox support on Twitter all with no reply! I was promised a call-back 4 times out of the 5 times I made contact (Not counting Twitter), I finally got one from the forth phone call of mine (which was numerous hours late). Therefore the members of staff / support I spoke to on contacts 1-3 are blatant liars. Even the one and only call-back I received was of no use and I had to request to speak to a manager. The manager I spoke to has promised me a call-back, time will tell if he's a liar as well!

I am now expected to return this controller after such a short time and go for a period of time without the controller again so quickly because of Xbox and Xbox Supports gross failures? 

Overlord69 Publish time 27-11-2019 02:36:55

My faulty Xbox One controller has been sent to the Frankfurt based service centre, and a replacement has allegedly been dispatched. The manager that I "finally" spoke to promised that once they had received the faulty controller that he would contact me. He also said he'd expedite my service and discuss compensation for their frankly terrible service.

Guess what... he hasn't called...

So that's another Xbox support / Microsoft employee (Manager) that has lied to me. Is it a job requirement for Microsoft to be a blatant LIAR..? :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7:image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

daredevill Publish time 27-11-2019 02:36:56

I contacted support Saturday for the kenect adapter for one S and the webchat took over an hour to give them 3 serial numbers and an address.

Very poor...
Oh that's an hour of actual chatting not waiting!!!

daredevill Publish time 27-11-2019 02:36:57

Just to update, My Kenect adaptor arrived today. So while Microsoft support was hard work.....They did deliver!

Overlord69 Publish time 27-11-2019 02:36:57

Update to the update:
I've now received my replacement Xbox One controller, nothing was expedited. I'm still patiently waiting for my management telephone call to discuss compensation for their terrible service. Incidentally they raised the subject of "compensation"...

At least support and their managers are consistent... ... ... ... ... ... ... THEY'RE ALL LIARS!!!

Overlord69 Publish time 27-11-2019 02:36:57

Yet another update: 
I've now finally received my "management" call-back... I've finally got an apology and some compo' from them.They've also given me an email address direct to the management team to avoid the dross that caused my support issues in the first place. It kind of indicates that they're admitting their errors finally... *(The initial issues started in July)*
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