KTroopA Publish time 27-11-2019 03:17:50

2DS Blue crashing with Luigis Mansion 2 and eshop

Mine is just over 2 weeks old and for some reason the 2ds keeps crashing in Luigis Mansion, and also inside eshop at random.

Once you get the vacum cleaner to capture ghosts, there is a set of double doors in the main hallway as you enter the 1st mansion. As soon as i use the key and the door animation plays, the 2ds crashes with unexpected error and closes the game 

It happens each and every time, and ive tried 5 times. All my other games super mario 3d land, starfox and zelda work fine. Does anyone know whats wrong.

Strangely ive tried the game in my friends 3DS and it works fine. Do you think my 2DS is broken?

Miss Mandy Publish time 27-11-2019 03:17:51

Assuming its the cartridge version check the slot on the console to see if there's anything in there that shouldn't be or any obvious damage. It could be a bent pin or something like that.
Any obvious damage on the gold plates of the cartridge itself?
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