Apsilon Publish time 27-11-2019 03:18:27

Steamworld Dig

Had a search and was surprised that there was no thread for this gem of a game. It’s just been released via the DS-Ware shop at £7.99 and it’s got to be one of the best games I’ve played on the 3DS in a long time.

It’s a bit of cross between Minecraft, Metroid, Boulder Dash and Spellunky. You play a miner robot who inherits a mine and has to dig down to the bottom to explore it and find out where your Grandad has disappeared to. The gameplay and mechanics are simply sublime and have you digging ever deeper and finding more and more expensive metals and gems that you can then turn in to buy upgrades such as better drills, bigger bags, armour etc for your continued mining.

Obviously the deeper you mine the harder the game becomes with all sorts of monsters and traps lying in wait but, it never becomes frustrating when you die and like Minecraft, all your gear is left where you died for you tocollect.

I can't the remember the last time I played anything that kept me so engrossed and I cannot recommend it highly enough. It’s well worth the money 

Couple of links:

Steamword Dig


Crid Publish time 27-11-2019 03:18:28

I saw it in the shop a few weeks ago and it did look like it might be worth buying.I haven't checked it out yet though.One of the disadvantages of not having demos of many games.

samtman Publish time 27-11-2019 03:18:29

I bought this when it came out. It's a really fun game I was surprised no one mentioned it on release. I got stuck (not sure where to go) quite far in it and haven't gone back to it yet. Although I will. It's not difficult and it has a taste of metroid in it as you power up as you go but you make your own paths to where you want to go.

Daft Ada Publish time 27-11-2019 03:18:30

I'll get it eventually, but I've only got £7.97 in my eShop account and I'm too tight to add more funds at the mo. It looks really good and just the sort of game I'll get heavily addicted to!

Crid Publish time 27-11-2019 03:18:31

After a bit of fiddling I've figured out how to put down lamps.Can you not pick them up against once you've put them down?
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