Horace Publish time 27-11-2019 04:19:04

I played this for a couple of hours yesterday and spent most of my time looking up stuff on the internet.

I only started investigating mmos a couple of months ago and apart from playing through tutorials and the first few levels on various ones, Neverwinter is the only one I've put serious time into, having played it for hours each day to reach level cap in a month. Now waiting for enough AVF members to hit 60 so we can run epic dungeons as a guild so thought I'd check out others.

Finding this completely different, which is good, but there didn't really seem to be much of a tutorial and it took me ages to work out how to equip a second weapon 

Even looking at some of the "beginner guides" can be hard work for someone not used to mmos. Can anyone recommend a good guide or video series for me to check out.


drinkturps Publish time 27-11-2019 04:19:04

There is an unoffical PoE website that has put together a number of useful resources all in one location. There are plenty of youtube videos to look at for beginners and a raft of more serious information for the truly determined! Take a look here...

I only discovered it yesterday too! Hope you find it useful.

Horace Publish time 27-11-2019 04:19:04

Just what I was looking for thanks.

When I googled for guides, I kept getting loads of crap videos and articles that didn't really tell you anything or stuff talking about endgame.

Thanks again.


jassco Publish time 27-11-2019 04:19:05

Theydon, I've added you. One of my character names is Cleyne, anyone feel free to add me

drinkturps Publish time 27-11-2019 04:19:06

I've added Theydon and Jassco now. I'm soloing at present as I sometimes have to step away at short notice so I can be a bit annoying in a party!!

Happy to answer any questions in-game. I'm no expert btw!!

jassco Publish time 27-11-2019 04:19:07

I'm the same - think of me as a mistress if I'm ever playing and just pop into a party for five minutes of fun 

Theydon Bois Publish time 27-11-2019 04:19:08

Currently just playing exclusively CO-OP with a mate, although while waiting for him, I am mucking about with my Witch (HexyBiotch) to basically gather materials for my Ranger to experiment with, so more likley to group with any of you if she is on.

It did get harder as you mention, and I was painfully aware of how little life the Ranger has, so took one full circle (3 nodes) of Life gain on levelling along the way to my plan.

Currently running with Poisoned arrow and Rain of Arrows as my main skills, as well as a little on/off lightning damage that removes a third of my mana pool but adds lightning damage to both me and my mate.

I havent found a new weapon to beat what I have so still at 62 dps at level 15?

drinkturps Publish time 27-11-2019 04:19:09

Are you playing hardcore because I've got some bows in my stash that you can use. I'll be going onslaught league at the weekend so won't have need for some of my HC stuff.

drinkturps Publish time 27-11-2019 04:19:10

No sign of the new patch yet. Global chat was just silly with speculation, I tried pointing out that a 1 hour race had started and that the patch would be at least an hour or two after that at the earliest but hey, it's global chat!

Theydon Bois Publish time 27-11-2019 04:19:11

Patch Notes:

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