Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:55

Just looked at the Blizzard main page for choosing the game you want to play and it comes up with but as for me there no play button and I think you have to install their app.

maverick177uk Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:55

Have you got battlenet installed when it comes up with this page there is an X in top corner click that to remove that banner and the play button is underneath, I just jumped in for first time in a year and I’ll probably get the expansion for the winter months, I love the game hammer it or 6 months then unsub rinse and repeat 

Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:55

I got it sorted Friday thanks anyway.

Im not getting it soon as it comes out now as I stopped raiding and wait till the sort the bugs out.
I was playing the beta and they changed stuff again, there no main weapon(well as far as I got) and there for no talent tree for it, it more on gear e.g. you build point up as well as XP there a duel bar. Some gear I got a head shoulder and chest so far where there 2 slot where you get the choice of 2 things to put in it (bit like the stuffin the last present weapon one). Then there one that takes each to the next level.

I also only seen one place to access the war map and missions (an inn sort of place).
I will try and post some pics tomorrow.

maverick177uk Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:55

To be honest I just like doing achievements and mount collecting, running old dungeons for transmogrification. I find it relaxing put some music on and lose myself for hours playing it.

Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:56

Just bobed on here what the first slot looks like on the shoulders. I don't know what the other two talents greyed ot are for your other 2 specs. But it looks as though once you choose it for 1 spec its locked in for the other 2.

Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:56

A very early cut scene from Battle For Azeroth I don't follow the lore a lot and don't know where this fits in could be a SPOILER but more or less get to it within a very few quest.

Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:56

I just been playing The Horde and wonder in Lady Sylvanas has always been dodge character I know in the last expansion she called the Horde of an attack and left The Alliance to their fate. And in this she does something not nice to her own troops and   just been sent on a mission to steal something for her and also she doing stuff at the back of her council.

chopples Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:56

Hi mate appreciate this is a month old ( i thought i had notifications turned on) but in case you didn't know this isn't a spoiler, its the cut scene for finishing the antorus raid


chopples Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:57

Hi mate, how this works is the azerite gear has 3 traits (or rings you can choose) levelling azerite gear like your picture has 2 traits, all pieces have a tier 0 have an empowered trait which raises the item level by 5. the 1st tier all seem to be utility choices, the second tier is missing from levelling azerite gear is traits which affect throughput with the last ring being more general traits.

How many rings you can unlock is determined by your neck piece called the heart of azeroth which you level up kind of like the old artifact weapon, unlike the nether light crucible you can change traits on these armor pieces, they aren't fixed. Azerite armor is on the loot table for certain bosses in raids and dungeons so you can farm for specific ones with the best traits for your class/spec. These items cannot titanforge


Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:57

In the beta you start of at the docks in Stormwind do a starter quest like the one for Broken Isle or On the Horde the same intro quest but on the opposing side. Then just go here and there and its a click on item to watch it. I never did that raid.
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