Johnmcl7 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:28:03

The way I read it the game is released on the Epic store, Xbox One and PS4 then six months later may be released on Steam or 'other digital storefronts'

I wasn't a big fan of Steam until these other storefronts came along that were much worse (Uplay...:'() and now I've become a much bigger fan of it.Even putting aside the serious security concerns there are with the Epic game store, its range of features compared to other storefronts is poor.I realise it's new but it's competing with other mature stores and it says a lot that they're trying to force people onto the platform with these exclusives rather than actually make people want to use the platform by choice.They will fix some of it but aspects like no external key support concern me as that's how I buy most of my Steam keys since the prices direct on Steam are usually very high.

BL3 was the game I was looking forward to most this year but not now.

Nivek TT Publish time 27-11-2019 04:28:04

Looks like the timed PC exclusivity was wrong. It's coming to console the same time as the Epic store.

MikeKay1976 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:28:05

Cdkeys are selling epic store keys and I believe humble store is also getting them

drinkturps Publish time 27-11-2019 04:28:06

I've pre-ordered which is really rare for me. I have bought a lot of games from CD Keys over the past couple of years and never had a problem.It's £32.99 if you pre-order through them which is a pretty good bargain. I love BL2 and even if it's more of the same old nonsense I'll be happy!

Johnmcl7 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:28:07

Humble store are getting an exception apparently:

Epic offers support for third-party key sales -- but not for exclusives

It's far from the only problem I have with the Epic store, I wonder what next 'bug' they're going to have which is accidentally mining data.

aslird Publish time 27-11-2019 04:28:08*t-But-It-s-Not-Spyware/1/

MikeKay1976 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:28:09

So apparently BL3 is an AMD sponsored title. I guess that means there will be no physx support like in BL2. Real shame that!

Solar Publish time 27-11-2019 04:28:10

Physx is open source now so they might still use it.
Even if they don't, you can be sure by now they already have other options that will do exactly the same effects.

DrHarvey12 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:28:11

I've pre-ordered exactly 2 games from Gearbox. Both games I felt 100% confident about going in that I would love them no matter what........they were:-

Duke Nukem Forever
Aliens: Colonial Marines

Funnily enough after those two I really don't pre-order anymore! // 

Plus I don't want to jinx BL3 because I really want it to be great so I'll hold off until it comes out and make sure it's not a bit of a mess at launch. The one thing I am sure about is that I will really enjoy it at some point!

drinkturps Publish time 27-11-2019 04:28:13

Tiny Tina confirmed! Wishing for another tea party 
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