Qactuar Publish time 27-11-2019 05:28:05

Project C.A.R.S - Now Released

The first part has closed early. I need not reiterate too much, other than remind members as to the rules, particularly paying close attention to what is edited ... we do all see the email notifications as subscribers!

So keep on topic, please.

I would also suggest that people are mindful of their positions as stakeholders in the Project C.A.R.S game itself and what constitutes as essentially advertising (rule seven on forum rules).

While I can't enforce this, bear in mind that it may otherwise be easily misconstrued by other members. I need not name names, but the discussion will be locked if it turns into what the moderating team feel is advertising by significant stakeholders - that is, those who've invested at a certain level and above, trying to promote a product.

Otherwise, enjoy. 

addyb Publish time 27-11-2019 05:28:06

So for those of you that haven't got a wheel setup anymore like me, how does it handle on a pad?

CAS FAN Publish time 27-11-2019 05:28:07

Not played in on a pad since a fairly early build and it was poor, but then it wasn't great on a wheel back then either.I would guess that newer builds will be better on a pad, especially with the console focus the game now has, but haven't tried them (on a pad).

Qactuar Publish time 27-11-2019 05:28:08

My experience on an early build with the 360 pad was largely positive. I would have thought something like the Razer Onza would be fun to tinker with too, what with it having the adjustable analogue sticks.

CAS FAN Publish time 27-11-2019 05:28:09

I just didn't feel any connection between the car and the road when I tried it, unlike say forza 4 on the Xbox which feels pretty good using a pad.I did used to like playing GTR2 and GTR Evo on a pad as well, but found my experience of this poor.It was a pretty early build however and given the developers pedigree, I would expect it to work well on a pad in the end.

Moolers Publish time 27-11-2019 05:28:10

Works pretty well with a pad IMO.

pigginbacon Publish time 27-11-2019 05:28:10

Yes with some of the aids on it works well with an Xbox 360 controller.

Qactuar Publish time 27-11-2019 05:28:11

I found the DTM Audi was pretty good, but a couple of the other vehicles at the time felt strange. I'd quite like to try something akin to the Caterham in-game, having had the pleasure of thrashing the balls off one around the Yorkshire dales for my birthday this year, but I will wait patiently (mainly for gaming time).

CAS FAN Publish time 27-11-2019 05:28:11

My favourite was the Formula B, but yeah the DTM car did feel pretty decent as well.I've always been tempted by hiring a Caterham super sport and there's a place near me (I'm in the east riding of Yorkshire) so I will probably dabble sometime.Sounds like a great laugh.

Qactuar Publish time 27-11-2019 05:28:13

That's exactly where I hired from - Stamford Bridge  Would be good to be able to see how accurately vehicles translate - particularly the Caterham as it's quite raw.
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