magikarpfainted Publish time 27-11-2019 05:30:20

construction simulator was probably my most regretful buy. i spent a total of 20 minutes fighting the terrible controls. got my money back though, to my surprise it had a 90% rating at the time. mind blown.

ShaneD94 Publish time 27-11-2019 05:30:21

I was big into picking up all the Humble Bundles about 5 years ago or so. It's fair to say that about 80% of my Steam library has never even been downloaded let alone played.

GrumpyOldGamer Publish time 27-11-2019 05:30:22

Spintyres! An hour of trying to get out of mud then getting every other truck stuck in the mud that went to rescue the first one!

Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 05:30:23

Skyrim, I played the others in the series from Daggerfall, but played it for about a hour and just could not get into it could have been use to other interfaces which this was different to.

MikeKay1976 Publish time 27-11-2019 05:30:24

Not sure i wasted it as I wanted to support the Devs but I bought assetto Corsa 2 and technolust along with a whole bunch of other VR games and have never even installed.
Same with dirt rally 1 (played for a few hrs)
Loads of stuff on PS4 never played, drive club, uncharted 4 and the expandalone for it, I have over 1000 games and I reckon 500 of those I paid "proper" cash for 1/3 of which I played either never or under 20 mins and a bunch more only put a few hrs in.

Edit did I just do mega necro? Sorry it was on front page of a forums on my phone
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