stee01 Publish time 27-11-2019 05:34:51

His bottleneck is definitely his memory. He can by all means attempt an overclock, but he's not going to get any favours out of HYNIX (nasty budget) RAM in attempting to do so. My recommendation still stands. You'll get a performance boost out of 4gb of RAM. You may need to switch to 64bit os to get the full effects, but you should see 3.5GB of it. After this, if your comfortable with doing so, attempt an overclock. Just make sure you read up on it first and are aware of the risks. I can only get 3ghz o/c on my rig, but I believe that to be limited by the motherboard. ASUS boards on the otherhand have a reputation for being excellent overclockers. 

Alfie84 Publish time 27-11-2019 05:34:52

Awesome thanks for the replys!

Ill go ahead and get me some new ram! Just been playing Dragon age and getting some choppy gameplay so atleast I have a game I can compare before & after...

Humm I did wonder if Hynix was budget 

Indeed, in fact my mobo has an auto overclock in the Bios, 5-30% with a few other tweaks I believe! I have overclocked a RIG years ago some P3 beast I think and really didnt matter if i blew it up  bit rusty ill have a read up, But id prefer not to overclock, sounds like just the RAM boost might help here.

found some old RAM in the cupboard but was 2 1gb 533 stick so ill sell them

Thanks gain for reply guys!

Alfie84 Publish time 27-11-2019 05:34:52

Ok so I am not going to be overclocking to much risk and effort for me.

I am also buying windows 7  with my budget now so may not beable to afford 4gb of ram. As I also need a new HDD (Currently using an old 2.5" laptop drive as my old 3.5" drive died =( )

If I change from my budget hynix 2gb (2x 1gb) of PC2-5300 to 2gb (1x 2gb) of Corsair do you think I see any diffrence?

Thanks again

Chunders Publish time 27-11-2019 05:34:52

Yeah I'd be interested depending on the specs and price and such. Thanks.

Alfie84 Publish time 27-11-2019 05:34:52

So go ty hands on another 2gb 667mhz hynix RAM and will be sticking that in tonight!

I wonder if this will make any diffrence in performance? If not then I will be sinking £85 into windows 7 tommorow afternoon and going 64 bit! hopefully this will show me a nice inprovement.

just a though (and I have a feeling you guys will say a major factor lol) I am gaming @ 1920x1080 would this be reducing my performance alot?

Thanks again

Alfie84 Publish time 27-11-2019 05:34:52

Humm 4gb made my PC run extremely slowly!!! thing were hanging, web pages taking ages to search took 5 mins, this site took almost 7! explorer not responding.

It was very odd...any seen this before?

Alfie84 Publish time 27-11-2019 05:34:52

Humm the problem seems to persist after removing the new RAM oO what's going on here!

alopia Publish time 27-11-2019 05:34:53

I joined this forum reaching this article. You couldn't be more wrong. Integral is a very OLD company from UK. They never reach global recognition but i can remember integral ram since 199x when i owned a 486 DX2 still working until today with their RAM.

They also create server ECC ram which i found in some HP servers (i don't know if there where standard setups but there where there serving millions of users for years with no problems at all).

In fact i suspect integral ram maybe better than average china made ram which you can buy from most of well known brand. Just saying is a UK old memory company from 20 years ago, i think is enough. Is not china or taiwan. I never understood why this company never get better recognition because they always have cheaper prices than most of the other. Probably they should hire a better selling department 

It's also interesting 6 years passed this topic was created, and they are still in business having most cheap memories on the market. I think somebody must clean their name, i'm kind of a fan...

I will definitively give a try, especially taking in account cheap integral price today.

Foster Publish time 27-11-2019 05:34:53

I'm sure hes going to cry because you merked a 6 year old post.

alopia Publish time 27-11-2019 05:34:53

I know this is of no help for him now. But for other people searching integral on google this maybe helpful.

Strangely enough there is almost nothing on google about integral except this post.

Many people take a lot of wrong decisionsbased only on some bull*** influenced more by advertising than reality. As an old computer guy who still have working integral ram from 20 years ago i simply considered it is fair to give this company some credits. My passion for old and strange rare hardware also pushed me into posting this.
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