messisew86 Publish time 27-11-2019 05:35:01

Control - 2080 Ti -post your details and resolution

Hello. Anybody have Rtx 2080 Ti and playing like here:

Using Resolution:1440P ,Render Resolution:1080P ,all HIGH.Raytracing HIGH,no DLSS.

I find compromise between performance and image quality. And that settings are the best.

Using 1440P with DLSS 960P image is bad and pixelated low res,but fps is high.
Using resolution render 1440P image is clean but fps are low,like 35-48 in combat.

So my question anybody playing :
Resolution:1440P ,Render Resolution:1080P ,all HIGH.Raytracing HIGH,no DLSS. ?

HRL Publish time 27-11-2019 05:35:02

Not got the game yet but frankly, if a 2080Ti struggles and you need to fall back on those settings, I may not even bother. 

Fe_man2000 Publish time 27-11-2019 05:35:03

its really crapply optimised but I am using a amd 480 8GB at 2k res and with it set to medium/ high on everything and its fine.

Its good but very one note - and similar locations.its good mind you but not very varied in its gameplay.
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