DeanE Publish time 27-11-2019 05:38:02

I had a couple of problems with my Clubsport pedals, but credit to Fanatec they resolved them relatively quickly for me.

First of all the load cell for the brake failed, which resulted in the brake pedal fluctuating wildly when depressed. Fanatec sent me out a replacement load cell, and two more spare along with instructions to fit.

Then, not too long after I had a problem with the accelerator. When depressed, it would not register fully on the fanatec utility, or in game.

The fault was the sensor on the right of the pedal, and again they sent me out replacements and instructions to fit.

Thankfully, the pedals and my GT2 are working perfectly now (I had to return my GT2 back to Germany too a while back!).

Jamezinho Publish time 27-11-2019 05:38:03

Sorry to hear you had so many problems, as my fear that if the problems reoccur that they may need to be returned to Germany also.I think in the next few weeks I'll clear a space and get them hooked up as I doubt a year or so being stuck in a box has done much good.Which wheel do you have btw?I have the original Clubsport Pro wheel, and I'm kind of hoping that there haven't been many more firmware releases for that as I recall that being a right pita to update.

Edit: Scrub that, noticed the GT2 

Just noticed on their website too that they are releasing the v2 model of the pedals.

museumsteve Publish time 27-11-2019 05:38:04

Might look at the Clubsport V2s, due for release later this month. Not sure what the major differences are, perhaps they've ironed out some of the issues that Seb has experienced.

Sebastalona Publish time 27-11-2019 05:38:05

Here's a comparison 

Hardware - Fanatec Clubsport Pedals Comparison - V1 vs. V2. - Bsim Racing

I recently added an oil filled damper kit to my V1's...but the V2's are so yummy to look at. Saying that I've never had a problem with V1's so happy to stay as I am for now 

museumsteve Publish time 27-11-2019 05:38:06

How much did the kit set you back mate? How does it feel?

Sebastalona Publish time 27-11-2019 05:38:07

Works out around £40 I think. It feels really good, just enough damping for a nice progressive brake, the downside is I lose most of my ABS vibration unless I change my settings (which I've not bothered with).
The only downer is that once you have it, the other pedals feel a little bland and lose. It can be address using various spring methods etc but again I haven't bothered. I'm still working on a clutch system so that will change the feel of the clutch anyway, then I guess I'll probably just add a spring to the throttle.

museumsteve Publish time 27-11-2019 05:38:08

Might be worth punt at that price. I also have a tuning kit so could adjust the springs on the other two if need be. Did you get it direct from the US, or did you buy it from the guy in the UK?

majnu Publish time 27-11-2019 05:38:09

I bought mine from a guy in UK off RD forums. Cant remember why he didn't want it  least it meant I didn't have to wait

Sebastalona Publish time 27-11-2019 05:38:10

Basherboard has released his T500 Configuration Manager. For those of you who don't know this is similar to the Profile Manager with the Logitech wheels. Thrustmaster made a glaring omission not to include this with their Flagship wheel and more or less stated they wouldn't be developing one, so Basherboard took things into his own hands.

Jamezinho Publish time 27-11-2019 05:38:12

Mr Basherboards is doing some really nice work. Been having a nose around his site and there are some really useful products there.
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