David Phelan Publish time 27-11-2019 22:38:40

Sony Xperia 1 Review & Comments

Sony's 2019 flagship serves up a 4K HDR OLED display in a 21:9 design and adds a side mounted fingerprint sensor and versatile camera setup for both stills and video. Does the screen set it apart from the pack?
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JH4 Publish time 27-11-2019 22:38:42

You don't mention one important fact - it's not 5G.

Valen Publish time 27-11-2019 22:38:43

You think 5G is important? Right now? Give it a few years.

simonblue Publish time 27-11-2019 22:38:44

And does it receive and allow you to make phone calls ? 

pjr918bmw Publish time 27-11-2019 22:38:45

I do not believe that anybody who has had a phone with fast charge would ever go back to anything else. And the battery conditioning thing is a bit of a red herring..

kinggo Publish time 27-11-2019 22:38:46

every phone can be charged during the night. So if the battery last through the day.............
I don't see the point in this charging madness. New megapixels? New RAM? Even with just 2A charger and average battery capacity of 3000-4000 mAh it really doesn't last THAT long that all those fast charging "standards" really make a difference.

larkone Publish time 27-11-2019 22:38:47

Sound quality in calls?

kinggo Publish time 27-11-2019 22:38:48

just like every other phone out there in the last decade, it's fine.
And just like every other xperia in the last decade, it's a bit quieter then other phones. Be it for phone calls or trough main speakers for music/videos. Nothing that should bother people with good hearing but it's a fact.

larkone Publish time 27-11-2019 22:38:49

OK but some of us do not have such good hearing which is why I asked and as you say it is not like every other phone because you say it is quieter.

TrondB Publish time 27-11-2019 22:38:50

It's very good. You should have no problem hear people in the other end. The battery is also quite good. I charge it circa every third night.
Had this phone since it was released and I love it! 
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