DELUCAS Publish time 27-11-2019 22:53:09

Best thing ive bought in ages i have a Samsung rapid wireless charger at home and at work .

No more frayed or broken cables fiddling to connect them etc
Just place on and forget .

Besides my phone is not superglued to my hand and if it needs to be answered or messged it gets put straight back to be rapid wireless charged up .

Next is a wireless to be put in my car .
Simples .

anticlaus105 Publish time 27-11-2019 22:53:10

I have a slow spigen one by my bed side (that can annoyingly be a bit noisy). I don't need a fast one for overnight. I've set it up to only charge to 80%. My worry is wireless chargers won't switch to trickle charge when the battery is full. I bought a Samsung fast one for my desk, but now it's gathering dust. I received a duo with my galaxy watch order that is still in the box. They're useful at night (or if drunk ) so you don't have to faff with a cable. Other than that I also don't rate them.

everett_psycho Publish time 27-11-2019 22:53:11

I miss it now I don't have it, having one in places you would put your phone down anyway means it's always got power. They are like turbo charging in the sense if you want to charge a little and often and not over stress the battery by charging to 100% you can always be topping up to keep yourself going between the 50%-80% mark.

I used to have one on my desk at work and one near the sofa so I could just chuck the phone down for short periods to maintain battery life instead of having to charge overnight. It's definitely something I'll look for in my next phone again, annoyingly Motorolas wireless charging mod is a nightmare to find and a bit too expensive to add it in to my now aging gen 1 Moto z play, turbo charging is working wonders in it's place though.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 27-11-2019 22:53:12

^^^ This

Running it down and then charging it up is missing like the OP did is missing the point of a wireless charger. I have it on my desk and let my phone rest on it. It just trickles during the day. It never runs down. It is perfect for such use and much better/convenient than cables.

aVdub Publish time 27-11-2019 22:53:13

No more dropped down the back cables or worn out cables with a simple drop and charge.

Ronski Publish time 27-11-2019 22:53:14

I guess I'm another (to quote the op) show off brain-dead guy, I've had wireless charging for years, long before apple discovered it. I simply put my phone on the charger when I go to bed and it's charged when I get up. I also have a wireless charging holder in the car, great for long journeys or a little top up. Best thing of all is no fiddling to plug in cables, and my phone has USB C which fits either way.I suggest you feel an idiot not because you bought one but because you can't see the correct use scenario, I'd only buy a for myself that supported wireless charging.

mmurdoch Publish time 27-11-2019 22:53:15

Yep got to agree to me there pointless, you have to plug the so called wireless charger in to start with so them milliseconds it takes just the same as plugging a charging cable direct into the handset.

Inked Publish time 27-11-2019 22:53:16

You only have to plug the wireless charger in once though.

Sonic67 Publish time 27-11-2019 22:53:18

I have one next to the bed, put it on at night and it's charged by the morning. It also stands the phone up so it works as a night clock as well.

mmurdoch Publish time 27-11-2019 22:53:20

Yeh that’s if it stationary in the same place all time, was thinking of getting one for my iPhone XS Max when I first bought it but to me just think it’s a bit pointless for all milliseconds it takes to just connect to a proper charger cable and it’s not really wireless charging.

Now fully wireless charging ie charging the handset while the handset isn’t connected to the charger charger now that would be good but doubt it will be invented in my days, Like the sound of the clock stand though someone mentioned as be cock bird for bedroom.

Would it work with WiFi and data off as I turn my off while being in feather as the dam thing never stops vibrating with app notifications
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