WaterS Publish time 27-11-2019 22:53:57

Sim Card pin in upper mic


So I just got my Samsung Galaxy a70 and when I wanted to open the sim tray I accidentally put the pin in the upper mic. I did not press hard or anything, but still wanted to make sure I didn't break anything. Speakerphone works fine, Noise cancellation works fine and all the cameras work fine to. I was wondering if there is anything else I need to check? Like, are the other components close to that opening that I could have broken? I did not press hard so I am guessing it is unlikely but I really want to be sure. 

Thanks in advance!

noiseboy72 Publish time 27-11-2019 22:53:58

Sounds like you got away with it 
The mics tend to be mounted at right angles to the hole and have a wind shield, so you probably avoided anything delicate. Even if you hit the mic, it's quite tough anyway, with a thin active layer mounted on a thicker substrate. You can prod them quite hard and they will still work.

WaterS Publish time 27-11-2019 22:53:59

Thanks for the answer, do you also maybe know if there are any other components like the phone's processor or anything that are close to that hole that I maybe could have broken?

dts197 Publish time 27-11-2019 22:54:00

You'd know about it if you'd damaged the processor.

noiseboy72 Publish time 27-11-2019 22:54:00

Very doubtful. Everything else is mounted to the PCB and unless it now rattles or the bluetooth / wifi / phone tranceivers are damaged, poking in a pin is highly unlikely to do any damage.
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