Del Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:55


Welcome to the forum.

The Yamaha CDR1500 has been discounted for quite a while. I think that either the classifieds e.g. on this forum or fleabay may now be your only recourse to get one.

A quick google search revealed that one went on fleabay for approx £350 a few days ago. Obviously they are still highly sought


Kvanlang Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:56

Hello, I have just tried the Yamaha Assistant Program, but apparentely, the program does not "see" the disc,maybe because it is connected on an add-on IDE card.So working with an IDE add-on card might not work. Just so you all know.

norderney Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:56

Has Yamaha made a replacement for the discontinued CDR-HD1500 model, or are they giving up on making this type of device? Or is there anything similar from another manufacturer?

I see that the CDR-HD1500 is still listed on the Yamaha US website - at a price of $849.95, but it is not listed on the UK web site.

I always thought a CD recorder with HDD was an excellent idea. Excellent for transferring LPs onto HDD, editing out any gaps and inserting track markers and then burning to CD.

Kvanlang Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:56

Here are some manufacturers that might help you

Sony (giga juke)

some come with a heavy pricetag ...

norderney Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:56


My Yamaha CDR-HD1500 has developed a fault.When burning music tracks to an AUDIO CD-R disc it fails on the finalisation process. It displays the message CHECK DISC.    I have tried a variety of different AUDIO CD-R discs all with the same problem.I am aware that this machine will only work with AUDIO CDs and NOT Computer CD-Rs.

Now, my problem is that I have some radio programmes recorded on the hard drive, which I would like transferred onto my computer.Normally I burn the recordings onto a CD-R and thn rip the CD-R onto my computer.

Is it possible (???) to connect the Yamaha directly to my computer and transfer the recordings onto my computer directly from the Yamaha?I need to do this before sending it off for repair because thye recordings may not be there when it comes back!!!!!!


Kvanlang Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:57

You can buy a new IDE/PATA harddisk ; take the "old" one out, and deliver the CDR-HD1500 to the repair with the new one installed.I myself bought/use a Western Digital 500GB IDE WD 5000 AVJB -63J1A0for about 50 Euro.

RoBoDutch Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:57

Hi Norderney,

Am I missing something , or don't you know about the assistant program.
You can try to use the Yamaha Assistant Program (somewhere earlier mentioned in this forum) and copy all the files from your Harddisk (as extern HD through usb) to your PC.

Succes and let us know the status please.

Kind regards,

Sound Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:57

Dear Associates!

Please advise ifit is possible to connect Yamaha CDR-HD1500 toPC and burn a CD-R usingNero or similar burning program?
If yes, what interface cable shoul I use for that?

Thanks in advance!

anorakus Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:57

No, not possible  The only connection you make from the HD1500 to a PC is to edit track and disc names.


Sound Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:58

Thank you for your reply! What a pity!
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