rreemer Publish time 28-11-2019 02:46:54

Just wanted to say a big thank you to doctordjbrown... after a very long time trying to solve a horrible hum with my Nait5i (including trying many different inputs, taking it to Naim dealer and moving home!) I finally got to the bottom of it after reading this. For me, the length of wire solution wasn't enough... but it made a very slight improvement which got me on the right track. After a lot of fiddling what eventually worked was plugging a TV Ariel into one of the phono inputs!! It doesn’t fit perfectly, of course, so I’ve had to cellotape it in! But it does the job. If anyone has any better ideas, that would be amazing. The whole thing is about earthing the inputs...

I find the situation quite ridiculous, really. I’m sure there is a reason why the inputs are not earthed but to not make this clear and leave people in such confusion is really quite irresponsible from Naim. Many, many people have this issue and there is no clear solution or workaround given by the manufacturer. Anyway...

Thanks again! I can now enjoy my music again 
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