Redus725 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:14:50

Secure WiFi "Dog" camera

Hello all.

There are many "dog" cams available at various outlets. Most offering similar functionalities. I have yet to come across something that I believe I'm after. I'll list the points below.

Motion detection
Night vision
2 way audio
Live streaming
Cloud storage not necessary
Able to view via mobile phone
Secure, easy to use phone app / browser based

Nice to have:
Auto off
Ethernet connection to router
Throw biscuits at the hound remotely
Local storage

I have read many articles about the security risks of home cameras. I'm looking for something which doesn't require a cloud account. Security is another reason whycoan Ethernetconnection to my router would be good.
I'll mainly be using it to check on the dog at night. The ability to check back footage isn't much of a necessity but may be nice to have, perhaps SD which you can plug into a pc to view footage.

Has anyone come across anything with the above? Or am I barking up the wrong tree and my list is unrealistic?

noiseboy72 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:14:51

Thewifi connection will not be the main security risk, nor will the cloud storage. With good password management, both can remain quite secure.

The risks tend to be when people leave passwords and usernames as the default. Change these and you won't have a security issue.

This might widen your choice of cameras. A friend of ours has one that chucks a toy or biscuit and has 2 way audio etc. I can't find the model, as I think it is obselete now. It does not have a wired connection and I think you will struggle to find this as it would limit most users in terms of positioning.

chrisfraser05 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:14:52

I'd say one of the indoor Foscam ones if you want a quality one


Bryn1 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:14:53

I bought one of the 'neos smartcam' cams to try (dirt cheap at only £19.99) been running it for 3 weeks now and all I can say is for the price it has been pretty much excellent am also pretty sure it ticks most if not all of your requirements here is a link

andy mc Publish time 1-12-2019 21:14:54

"clever Dog" wifi cams are worth a look - from amazon.

Redus725 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:14:54

Thanks for the input all. I went for the Foscam R4M in the end.

Haven't put an SD card in yet. Am using it over Ethernet and am quite impressed with there human and audio detection.

Although it does pick my dog up climbing on the sofa as a human. (he's a big dog).
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