Norman Publish time 1-12-2019 21:17:55

Can Sonos Alexa move what's playing on Sonos to HomePod?

I already have two HomePods (Lounge & Office) that work very well and sound fantastic, but I want to add a third smart speaker to my kitchen and I'm considering a Sonos One so that I have an Alexa enabled device in my home (in case I need it).

One HomePod feature I use a lot is moving music from one room to another, i.e if I'm listening in my office saying "hey Siri, move to lounge" will seamlessly transfer whatever's playing on the Office HomePod to the Lounge HomePod.

If I buy a Sonos One and name it Kitchen, my research suggests that I can use the HomePod Siri to move playback from the HomePod to Kitchen Sonos using the same command "hey Siri, move to Kitchen", but does it work the other way around, for example, if Kitchen Sonos is playing something can I ask it "Alexa, move to Lounge", will Alexa move it to HomePod?

Norman Publish time 1-12-2019 21:17:56

For anyone interested in the answer to this question, I asked it on the Sonos forum and at this moment in time (Nov 19) the answer is NO.

It would appear that the Alexa/Sonos integration is somewhat limited and the ability to move music from one Airplay 2 speaker to another isn’t there.

As for me, I’ll buy another HomePod for my kitchen as it’ll be a better fit in my home.
I know it digs me deeper in to Apple‘s eco system, but there are now too many unique and useful features on HomePod that aren’t available on other smart speakers for me to give up, and in the words of that great track by AC/DC, “Hell ain’t a bad place to be” 
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