RajP Publish time 1-12-2019 21:19:23

HikVision TVI DVR to trigger event for smart home

I have the Hikvision DVR which has the ability to create alarm notification for the Hikvision app.. I wonder if I can trigger it to send it to my smarthome... I have setup in my DVR to send notification - alarm notification to me if someone crosses a line on my drive. It sends this to the HikVision app. I want it to send a note to my Fibaro HC2 to switch the Drive lights on if the line is crossed. I have a PIR sensor which will do this once the person is closer to the house. The reason I want the line crossing captured is so that if someone drives on to my drive, I want the lights to come on.. PIR will not capture this..

Puntoboy Publish time 1-12-2019 21:19:24

Is it possible to trigger an action with Fibaro HC2 with an email? If you, you could set the DVR to send an email when the event is triggered.

RajP Publish time 1-12-2019 21:19:25

The problem with Email is the time it takes to get to the email account.. I need to find a way to configure the alarm output to send out a message.. need to find this..

Puntoboy Publish time 1-12-2019 21:19:25

Just thinking aloud.  I've found the email notifications from my NVR and Gmail pretty instantaneous.

RajP Publish time 1-12-2019 21:19:26

Most of the times it is ok... but as I have my DVR and Home Centre next to each other, I may try and connect something to the alarm output on the back of the DVR.. see if I can get the smart implant from Fibaro to work...

Puntoboy Publish time 1-12-2019 21:19:27

I don't have a HC but it is something I am interested in. 

RajP Publish time 1-12-2019 21:19:28

HC is brilliant.. it is controlling the lights/heating/water and irrigation system in my house since 2015 and have never looked back..
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