haujobbz Publish time 1-12-2019 22:12:57

How often do you upgrade and what is your current TV ?

I tend to upgrade every 2-3 years to be honest , I'm actually in the process of buying a new OLED TV  What tempted me was HDR and the ink backs , my current tv is a Sony 49 x8505b which has an excellent picture but no HDR and greyish blacks called for an upgrade 

Swizz Publish time 1-12-2019 22:12:58

I whipped up an OLED B6 May of last year and since reading upon reviews of one particular TV in the 2017 range I have an urge to pick up a Sony XE9305.

I don't think MY B6 will mind, at least I don't think it's cheating.

Within a rule once every 3 years for me too lol.

davidcharles Publish time 1-12-2019 22:12:59

Used to upgrade every 2 odd years, had my last Samsung for 5 though as it was so good I didn't need to upgrade. My latest set is great apart from the poor viewing angle, which seems to be getting no better theses days so this set may be staying a while ( its 3d as well which is being prematurely dumped in my opinion)

ninjag Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:00

I only upgrade when necessary or if the TV goes faulty, guess that's why I do crazy research before buying! Funds tend to go on other things like home improvements etc, I've noticed disposable income is getting less and less as the cost of living goes up, partly due to decent food costing more, family getting bigger and wife only working part time leaving me with all the bills rather than new toys 

Tom Tom Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:00

I upgrade when one dies, so currently have the Samsung UE49H7000 (I know the video is for the 40inch)

I love the picture but think I have not set it up as well as I could. Something like Hey Duggee which is great block colours the edges seem to have light patches (which I think I read is a back light issue on how the TV is built).

I am really happy with it, but it's amazing how it went from being a huge upgrade from my Hanspree 37inch TV (Which had a massive bevel, so the same foot print) to something that does not feel all that large. The shape of our room and where we store kids toys at the moment mean we sit at a diagonal to the TV (but straight on as its on an angled bracket) and about 8/9 foot away.

Maybe one day I can upgrade to a 60 inch OLED or whatever is the equivalent, but at the moment I am sure it will last me a good while yet and the picture is fantastic for what we need.

Smiffy 2 Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:01

I "upgrade" far too often. Lost count of the number of sets I have had in the last 10 years!!
Currently have a Samsung 55KS7000 and loving it, had it for the best part of a year now and it's the best set I've ever owned.
No intention of changing in the near future, but watching the progress of OLED's

Lynnmk Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:01

I've had 3 new tv's in the last 10 years. I've always been 1 step behind at least. The tv i bought 10 years ago was a HD Ready one, upgraded that to a 1080i one that was cheap 3 years ago and now i've finally caught up a bit and have a Sammy 55ks7000. Currently in no rush to change.

Navvie Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:02

Still using a LG 60PK590 plasma from 2010. I'll upgrade when it breaks.

WonkyEwok Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:02

I'd always bought fairly cheap TVs every 4 or 5 years - last was a 42" Panasonic with no local dimming / 4k for maybe £450. But... then read up a lot and bought a Sony ZD9 last Oct/Nov for £4k. Still can't get my head round how big it is and how it's comparatively perfect. (I was paranoid about OLED screen burn so didn't go that way- maybe it's not often a thing and even if it is I reckon it'll be fixed in future though).

Loopthrough Publish time 1-12-2019 22:13:03

I used to be obsessive about upgrading, doing it maybe once or more a year (don't ask)! The longest I kept a TV was 2 years, but I'm kinda over this upgrading obsession now.

I don't even watch much apart from movies and the odd documentary these days, so it was becoming a pointless hobby.

Currently don't have one (saving up) but I know it'll be a Sony, as after all the brands I had, they're always the one I come back to and enjoy overall the most.

I had over 28 TVs (including ones I returned) since 2011.

What I learned:
LCD is always going to be a flawed technology.
This "IPS has better colours than VA" is a myth.
All VAs have viewing angle issues - only one that didn't was a Sharp panel w/local dimming.
VA is still superior all things considered.
Sound is much better on all LCDs in past three years.
Sony handle gradation in colours best (Smooth Gradation feature really is genius)
Clear LCD from Philips is a great feature.
Sony and Philips both always have great motion, even on low end models.
Panasonic models can be hit or miss.
LG are unreliable in lower models. I'm not a big fan of Samsung's lower tier offerings either.
More and more LCDs are using IPS/PLS/ADS type panels in the past 2 years.
UHD really is pointless in smaller sizes.
Edge LCD uniformity is probably at its very best now.
OLED prices can't fall soon enough.
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