Brent Reid Publish time 1-12-2019 22:14:44

TV screen coating damaged – help needed!

A friend has a Panasonic Viera that she's very fond of and had no plans to replace. However, it appears that her cleaner has ruined what I assume is the screen's anti-static coating by using some sort of solvent cleaning agent on it. The cleaner won't own up to it though.

The screen now has a slightly matt texture and is covered with broad circular, sweeping marks which are visible whether it's switched on or off. Can anything be done to repair or at least ameliorate the problem?

wiz Publish time 1-12-2019 22:14:45

My guess it'll need a new screen, but if it's an old model you might / will struggle

LV426 Publish time 1-12-2019 22:14:46

It may be possible to polish the marks out, fully, using more of the same/similar solvent.But I'm guessing it will affect its appearance - possibly making it more glossy/shiny and subject to reflection.Worth a try in a small area maybe......

wiz Publish time 1-12-2019 22:14:47

Surely if you start taking off the coating you may as well take it all off and see if you can live with it

John7 Publish time 1-12-2019 22:14:48

It may not be coating damage. Some cleaners may leave deposits behind (silicon oils etc.) that will mark the screen, or they may smear existing atmospheric deposits. Try giving it a careful, thorough clean with a proper cleaning fluid and microfiber cloths.

I have used this stuff with very good results......


Brent Reid Publish time 1-12-2019 22:14:49

Thanks for the suggestions, guys. I've passed them along and hopefully she'll find one useful. If there are any more, keep 'em coming!

Dean Publish time 1-12-2019 22:14:50

Screens are so delicate because of the AR coatings nowadays that even a sunglasses cleaner might be too harsh, and I'd never take the risk after spending close to £2500 on a TV. I swear by Ecomoist Natural Screen Cleaner now and use it to clean everything from my 75" TV, laptop and smartphone.

Bacus Publish time 1-12-2019 22:14:51

If she tries any of the above and nothing sorts it out to an acceptable level maybe she could claim on her house hold insurance is she has accidental cover ?

Brent Reid Publish time 1-12-2019 22:14:52

The trouble with an insurance claim is that the cleaner isn't 'fessing up to it, so she has no way of proving how it happened. I will suggest it to her though.

On looking at it again earlier today, I noted that only the bottom third of the screen is affected. It looks like the cleaner sprayed it, started wiping, then when she realised what was happening, went "Oh sh*t!" and stopped. I hit on the idea of testing the various cleaning agents in the house on a small, still-coated portion at the bottom, to figure out which did it. Then masking off the upper two thirds of the screen and "cleaning off" the remaining messy coating from the bottom, leaving a neat, straight line right across. 
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