scouseneil Publish time 1-12-2019 22:32:19

50-55" for mainly SD & HD Replace Plasma

Panasonic 50" Plasma is finally giving up, light blue speckle in middle of screen, but it is 14 years old  looking to replace with 55 Samsung NU8000, then saw and LG OLED for just over 1K. Then reading issues with flashing etc on OLED

Given watching is 90% from freesat either live or recorded on Humax or SKY Q Standard Definition.

Viewing angles are almost straight ahead.

Sport, Action Movies, drama,Standard Definition DVD's from Blueray player. Not used for gaming.

Better just buy a cheap 55" LG ? or spend the extra till for a Samsung NU8000 55 £750

Any thought welcome.
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