steveuk63 Publish time 2-12-2019 02:02:58

Panasonic sd90 just died what would replace it ?

Hi all looking for recommendations to replace my panasonic sd90 - I have been very pleased with it especially the zoom but need a new one now . Budget is under £450 and used is fine looking for a balance but so many advances not sure where to start . I like the panasonics but not set in stone .

stearman65 Publish time 2-12-2019 02:02:59

I've had an FZ330 for 3 months & quite happy with it, previously I had an FZ150 & an Fz1000 Mk 1. All good reliable cameras.

Terfyn Publish time 2-12-2019 02:03:01

I like my HC-V800 with its Leica lens and low light performance. No built in photo light like the sd90 but a better body design to carry lighting or mics in the center of the top casing. Mic in and headphones out located on the right of the body rather than behind the LCD screen but the USB and HDMI still located there. Plenty of extras in the software and a decent remote control through a Smartphone App and NFC. (I use a 10" tablet which gives a decent picture from the camera) The App also gives full control over the VW-CTR1 pan/tilt head.

Terfyn Publish time 2-12-2019 02:03:02

I like my HC-V800 with its Leica lens and low light performance. No built in photo light like the sd90 but a better body design to carry lighting or mics in the center of the top casing. Mic in and headphones out located on the right of the body rather than behind the LCD screen but the USB and HDMI still located there. Plenty of extras in the software and a decent remote control through a Smartphone App and NFC. (I use a 10" tablet which gives a decent picture from the camera) The App also gives full control over the VW-CTR1 pan/tilt head.

steveuk63 Publish time 2-12-2019 02:03:03

thanks for quick replies I do like the look of the v800 Terfyn but it is at the top of my budgetI can find a V770 for a few hundred less , do you know if the difference is worth the extra £'s ?

Terfyn Publish time 2-12-2019 02:03:04

I still have my 750 which I use as a second camera and, to be honest, there are no massive changes. The Leica lens and the redesign of the case are probably the most obvious differences. The OIS is more comprehensive. Try the Compare feature on the Panasonic UK site.
Incidentally the HC-V800 is shown as costing £429.

chrishull3 Publish time 2-12-2019 02:03:05

Your right i once had a FZ1000,superb camera and the FZ1000 is still available Buy PanasonicLumix DMC-FZ1000 from £473.69 – Best Deals on

steveuk63 Publish time 2-12-2019 02:03:06

MMM   lot to considerTerfyn i notice the Panasonic HC-VX870 is 4K with the leica lens but is a bit cheaper- what am I missing ? I do struggle a bit when comparing on the Panasonic website

Terfyn Publish time 2-12-2019 02:03:06

I think it is just a matter of age. The VX870 was last year's model and the VX1 or VXF1 are this years. If you want to spot any obvious differences then use the "compare" tick box on the Panasonic UK site but I would guess that the 870 is a good camera to go for. (Also check any reviews by third parties)
Clearly they put more into this year's models, in order to sell, but you may not want what they have added so a legacy model will be completely satisfactory.

My Panasonic history is that I started with the HC-V700 then moved to the 750 and currently the 800. I did not take the 4K step as I felt that my PC would not handle the editing of 4K (probably wrong) but HD gives a decent enough picture for me. (When you start with Super 8 then anything is;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7)
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