1. Transferring from the micro sd card to laptop/ HDD,
USB or putting the sd card directly into the laptop via the sd card adapter?
(Also, is there anything I need to do before I take the micro sd card out of the camcorder?,
2. Viewing the recording, directly from the camcorder via USB or HDMI
Or via sd card,
3. Archiving the recording, to laptop, HDD, Blu Ray disc for easy viewing whenever I like 1) Either works OK. Maybe using the laptop card reader would be better as the card contacts get a clean on the way. Just remove the micro SD card with the camcorder off.
Re format the card IN THE CAMCORDER after you have downloaded the contents into your PC.
2) Again either. HDMI is the normal viewing format.
3) ALWAYS archive the recordings and keep a copy.
You say easy viewing? Once the raw videos are in your PC you can edit them and provide a video that will be coherent and not be a jumble of shots and poor audio. IMO editing is the best bit.