Jules Publish time 2-12-2019 02:03:19

My first music video, filmed 90% handheld

Since going self employed as an e-learning developer / corporate video producer about 4 years ago,I've acquired 5 different cameras, loads of lights, sound recording equipment, and lots of tripods, monopods, sliders, stabilisers etc.

But sometimes you get the dawning realisation that life is just easier when you go for simplicity.

Case in point, I recently shot a 'performance' music video for an old friend of mine, and it was nearly all shot hand held with a Panasonic GH5 and just a couple of lightweight lenses.

Its not my kind of music, but the video was fun to produce as they just wanted something to showcase their style around the streets of Manchester.


I'm quite pleased with the result for just a few hours handheld shooting.

12harry Publish time 2-12-2019 02:03:20

It appears to be a facebk link, not YT- is that correct?
FWIW- Hand-held ( even with stab.) can be good and may be what the customer think they want.... most Pro's will not do this; as they like the image to be stable to suit the majority of audiences.
I agree that amassing loads of "gear" isn't alwaysA GOOD THING - it's how you use them (= Getting to know yr kit).... this can be worth almost any piece of new Kit.


Jules Publish time 2-12-2019 02:03:21

Try this link instead.

Hillskill Publish time 2-12-2019 02:03:21

You've done a great job. For the next one add in a little lighting and get wider on your aperture for a few key shots and you take the production values up a notch even more.

Jules Publish time 2-12-2019 02:03:21

Thanks Steve. We're already having discussions about the next one.
Production values will be going up as you describe 

Kevo Publish time 2-12-2019 02:03:22

Great video.You can tell it's Manchester by the weather ! 
I also love in Manchester.

Did you use any kind of 'gimbal' for the camera as it likes quite smooth or did you something like ProDAD in post to smooth out?Or have you just got a very steady hand !

I mainly ask as i'm looking for something to make my hand held FZ2000 shots look smoother.

chrishull3 Publish time 2-12-2019 02:03:22

Super video from that superb camera,did you not record in 4K its a superb 4k camera.

Jules Publish time 2-12-2019 02:03:22

The apparent smoothness is all thanks to the amazing In-Body Stabilisation of the Panasonic GH5.... plus maybe a little ninja walking and careful handling.

There's some behind the scenes action on my youtube channel which shows how I handle the camera.I'm not particularly steady, I've just learned to work within the GH5's capabilities.

I did use a gimbal for a couple of 'Michael Bay" moments, but they make up only about 1% of the video, and honestly I felt more more free handholding the GH5.

Jules Publish time 2-12-2019 02:03:22

I'd say it was 90% shot in 4K, but edited in a 1080p project to allow some slight cropping in where appropriate.
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