chrishull3 Publish time 2-12-2019 02:21:31

Slow motion

Good slow motion can be achieved at a modest price,anyone who is interested in slow motion should know modestly priced cyberlink powerdirector software can do very good slow motion,i personaly never bother filming in slow motion mode while filming as doing it in post is better IMO

Johnmcl7 Publish time 2-12-2019 02:21:32

To be honest I wouldn't count that as good slow motion as the lack of a smooth frame rate and it's not slowed much is typical of a low quality post processed effect, it's not remotely comparable to proper slow motion even from a consumer device like Sony's RX10/RX100's stacked sensor.I've seen some impressive results from Twixtor for post processing slow motion but it's pricey (particularly as it needs a professional video editing package as well) and results from it are mixed.

If you're interested in proper slow motion I'd highly recommend the RX100m4/5/6 or the RX10Mk2/3/4 which offer the new Sony stacked sensor which is capable of a genuine 1000fps at around 720 resolution.The high speed mode is difficult to use as it can only store two seconds at a time on the quality mode, it takes quite a bit of time to save each clip and it slaughters the battery but I never thought we'd see such incredible slow motion from a consumer device.

chrishull3 Publish time 2-12-2019 02:21:33

Hi slow motion is not the top of my list of preferences the results i get suite me ,i owned a RX10mk11 for a while but was not impressed with its slow motion as it is only 720,the reason i prefer postslow motion is normaly filmed footage can be slowed or speeded to suit if needed but its good cameras offer the choice these days.Regarding not being slowed much the content has to decide how much to slow,car or motor cycle racing would need to be slowed a lot more than films like below.

rogs Publish time 2-12-2019 02:21:33

MVTools can give very similar results to Twixtor, with the added advantage of being free  ..
As you say, the results can be mixed, but it can offer some impressive slow motion results when applied to footage where 'slo-mo' was not pre-planned, for example...
Bit fiddly to use (as are many freebie video apps..)Some notes on how to use it HERE
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