steebu Publish time 2-12-2019 02:22:39

Need solid, high (84"/215cm+) tripod


I'm needing several tripods that can reach 84"/215cm or higher.While the Manfrotto 161 MK2B's are solid I'm wondering if there's a cheaper option?

Thanks a ton!

MarkE19 Publish time 2-12-2019 02:22:40

Welcome to the forum steebu 

Without spending stupid money (ie >$700) the tallest tripods I can find are only 80" tall

But if willing to spend more then at 10' 8" tall there is this
Leica Extra Tall Heavy Duty Aluminum Tripod Tiger Supplies

Other than that it is the likes of Manfrotto at silly money


12harry Publish time 2-12-2019 02:22:41

Hi steebu . . . perhaps you can say why this height is needed....and what you've tried in the past that failed.
Is this for carrying about? -or- for use near a car, for example..... Is this a quick-set-up, or one where you will be staying-put?
You may have to give us some idea of the Budget, too.

I'm amazed that most tripods are so short . . . most incapable of achieving "eye-height" unless the target human is seated, or a child.
Professional ones are taller, but heavier and selling in small numbers ( plus the "Pro" tag) raises the price considerably.I have a Manfrotto pro that is almost 6' - but that weighs as much as a small child and is rarely used.... Esp. now that most cameras camcorders have active stability built-in.

Have you considered a jib ? - placed on a modestly robust tripod, it will easily reach yr target height - but monitoring the view then becomes an issue.


dosdan Publish time 2-12-2019 02:22:43

While not reaching the OP's height spec, this tripod at 1.8m (70.8") is well above my eye height.

Nest Video Tripod NT-777   Fluid Damped Pan Head

With it I get a sore neck if looking up at V750's LCD screen for extended periods. (I normally use it fully extended for a static/unattended/fixed-focus goal camera so I only look up for a short time during setup while I'm adjusting the MF on the V750.) Its head is OK as long as you don't need fast panning (e.g. following end-to-end soccer action) as the drag of the fluid-effect head is non-adjustable.

BTW, although not mentioned in this listing, the bowl diameter is 75mm if you wish to use another head with it.


12harry Publish time 2-12-2019 02:22:45

Nest 1.8m tripodNT-777. w. fluid-damped head and 75mm bowl.

Thanks Dan, unfortunately that tripod is only available from outside the UK - I wonder why?
It appears to be similar in spec to some of the taller Manfrotto* and whilst it's not cheap ( the link you show is Euro 149   12 shipping.).... the weight is almost 3kg - putting it really in the realms of Pro-kit, (from reading the spec. ).
Yes, I'd like the chance to see one!!!


* most of the Manfrotto (below very expensive),do not have any extra bracing.However, I note that the NT-777 has only bracing at the topmost-section, leaving the legs somewhat less supported.
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