benali Publish time 2-12-2019 04:35:25

NAS file marker system

My Diskstation DS213; when I playback videos from the shared video directory on my TV, its a pain sometimes when I don't know which episode I watched last. There's seems to be no facility to show what content has been watched or at what point during playback it was last stopped.
Is this typical of all NAS or is it a feature you get at a higher grade of hw?

bubblegum57 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:35:26

I assume you are using DNLA? Something like Plex or Kodi should work. But that might need an extra device.
Can you get a plex client app for your tv?There is a Plex server that can be installed on the NAS.

But there is the DS Video app you could try.

The model of TV might be useful.

mickevh Publish time 2-12-2019 04:35:27

It's not the NAS in and of itself that "remembers" what you've played before. It's "something else" such as your TV, media streamer or some "add on" to the NAS such as a media server App, or a some combination of the aforementioned.

NAS's just "store files" - any files not just media. All the "bells and whistles" are additional features, almost always in software rather than the hardware.

In my setup for example, my NAS is just a basic file server that does nothing more that act as a repository for the files. All the "resume playback" functionality is done by my (rather ancient) media streamer.

benali Publish time 2-12-2019 04:35:28

TV is a Panasonic 65DX902B.
Just playing back through DLNA, I think anyway.
It looks like there is a plex app available, so I will try that. Does it also need to be installed on the diskstation?

benali Publish time 2-12-2019 04:35:29

It doesn't look like plex app is now available for my aging DS213, which is a shame.
So do I need to install plex on my pc and set it up from there?
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