siross Publish time 2-12-2019 04:50:33

What RJ45 Connectors for Cat7 Flat Cable

Hi all,

I've recently ran a length of Cat7 cable in to my lounge from the main router. I originally wanted to do 2 runs but the gap was too small so I decided to cut the end off and run the cable and terminate at a later date if required.

This isn't entirely necessary at the moment but I'm wondering for future reference...

What RJ45 connector do I need to terminate flat Cat7 cable? I assume it's the same connector as a Cat6 cable?

This is the cable in question: Xclio 20M FLAT RJ45 CAT7 Ethernet Network Shielded TANGLE FREE RJ45 Cable - BLACK



Kristian Publish time 2-12-2019 04:50:33

To keep the spec of the cabling system, i.e. Cat7, then you'll need Cat7 spec connectors.I can't help with specific links as I've not had the joy of rolling out Cat7 yet.

siross Publish time 2-12-2019 04:50:34

Ahh really? I thought Cat6 would work as well because it's shielded?

Not many appear to be labelled as Cat7 compliant.

Kristian Publish time 2-12-2019 04:50:35

You may get a Cat6 plug to terminate onto a Cat7 cable, I've not tried it.If it does (and it's done well) then it'll most likely work okay (even with 10Gb Ethernet to a certain distance), but the system will not be rated at Cat7 (and you'll only know if you test it properly).I'm assuming you've put Cat7 in for a specific reason so seems strange to not keep to that standard.

Assuming you've got enough spare cable to try, there's no reason not to have a go 

siross Publish time 2-12-2019 04:50:35

No specific reason for it being Cat7, it was just as cheap as Cat6 so I thought I'd go for it. I'll have a go with a Cat6 connector when the time arises 
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