wairds Publish time 2-12-2019 05:06:42

BT Smart Hub

A few months ago I switched from BT to Plusnet. I retained the BT Smart Hub As the modem/router as I thought the performance was better. I set up the Plusnet Hub as an access pointer/extender and was really pleased with the outcome. On 29/02/19 the internet failed and on looking at the BT Hub it was showing a solid orange light indicating the hub was not connected to the internet. I contacted Plusnet support and a check was run and no issues were found on the line. It was suggested the BT Hub maybe faulty and so I switched the Plusnet Hub as the modem/router and sure enough I was back in business.
However I liked the BT Hub so I purchased a new one on eBay and and put it on the network as the main modem/router and yet again it came up with a solid orange light! Once more I switched it out with the Plusnet Hub and everything appears to be ok.
I accept the replacement BT Hub maybe faulty but find that too much of a coincidence.

Whilst not technically savvy I am confused by this and would appreciate any suggestions.

Thanks in anticipation.

Chester Publish time 2-12-2019 05:06:43

Congratulations on building your time machine!Now, what's this weekend's lottery numbers!?!

Is the BT Hub syncing with the line, so it's telling you what your upstream/downstream rates are?If so, this might be a simple configuration change.Try correcting the username/password in the BT Hub.PlusNet (like most other ISPs on VDSL) also uses tagged VLAN 101, so ensure that's configured too.

If that doesnt' work, what do you believe is better on the BT Hub than the PlusNet's router?I use my own Draytek router and never had a Pnet one.

wairds Publish time 2-12-2019 05:06:44

Thanks for responding.

0 upstream, 0 downstream.

Chester Publish time 2-12-2019 05:06:45

Ah, no sync.Which version of the BT Hub are you using?What service are you subscribed to (i.e. ADSL or up to 20Mb, VDSL/FTTC up to 40Mb, or up to 80Mb)?

wairds Publish time 2-12-2019 05:06:46

BT Home Hub 6. Plusnet refers to the service as xDSL but I do have fibre to the cabinet.

mickevh Publish time 2-12-2019 05:06:46

Chaps - do Plusnet require a credentials exchange..? I know BT don't (or as they told me many moons ago "you can use anything, we don't check it.") If PlusNet are checking credentials, it may be that you need to grab the credentials from the PlusNet router (and while you're at it, any other connection settings,) and configure the HH with them.

wairds Publish time 2-12-2019 05:06:46

Thanks for your responses. I have found the problem. Somehow the router had lost all its sign-on credentials. I having gone into the router and re initialised the credentials and now have access. Once again thanks for your assistance.

Chester Publish time 2-12-2019 05:06:47

That's odd.Before the router can authenticate, there must be a connection, i.e. sync.

Nevertheless, glad that it's sorted. 

mickevh Publish time 2-12-2019 05:06:47

Maybe PlusNet drop the connection if they haven't received authentication/re-authentication within some prescribed amount of time.

Chester Publish time 2-12-2019 05:06:48

It's possible I guess.
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