bilbosmeggins Publish time 2-12-2019 05:40:01

Valve Index - Elite Dangerous question

I’ve just been perusing the ED forums and came across this:

“From my understanding the Valve Index uses angled screens just like the Pimax so it will also require parallel projection for Elite and thus loos ~30% performance.
So to me the Valve Index is out of the race. HP Reverb....”

I know little about the Pimax, and nothing about parallel projection. Can anyone that does have the requisite knowledge verify or dispute the above.I’m currently on the order list for an Index, but will rapidly cancel if it turns out to be true.

Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:40:02

I’m not a big ED player but I did put it on my Pimax the other night. I flew around the station and everything worked great. I didn’t look at the FPS but it seemed to be running smooth.

Index will use a lot less resources than the Pimax and the screens are only cantered 5 degrees.

Index is going to be far more popular than the Pimax and the chances of getting native support in ED is far greater. Either way you’re good.

I’m running a 1080ti, what do you have bilbo?

bilbosmeggins Publish time 2-12-2019 05:40:03

Thanks for that. It sounds hopeful then.I’ve got a 1080, although might look at going up to a 1080ti.The 2080 doesn’t seem enough of a step up for the money.

thesnowdog Publish time 2-12-2019 05:40:04

If you have performance issues you can always knock the Index refresh rate down to 80Hz. For a 120-144Hz experience you'll probably find a 2080Ti struggling to cope with things, especially in space stations, Combat Zones and asteroid fields.

bilbosmeggins Publish time 2-12-2019 05:40:05

I’m able to get 90 fps with my current rig, with the rift.Super sampling at 1.4.I don’t really want to go backwards with the refresh rate though.I might try and source a decent priced 1080ti.Maybe look at a used card.

ArmitageShanks Publish time 2-12-2019 05:40:06

I would have been more concerned with black levels going from OLED to LCD?
TBH, a 1080Ti/2080 isn't that much of a step up from a 1080 imo, which is why I've held out with my 1080's. Your next best bet is a 2080Ti (it absolutely killed everything I tried it on in VR...before it died,along with its replacement), but it's still going for a stupid amount of money.

bilbosmeggins Publish time 2-12-2019 05:40:06

Black levels are a concern, but I’ll see what the general consensus is once people have gone hands-on.I don’t play ED exclusively, but it is my main bag.

Yeah, sorry, I actually meant the 2080ti when I posted before.I’d looked at 2080 results and they weren’t too spectacular.But, like you say, hellishly expensive atm.

thesnowdog Publish time 2-12-2019 05:40:07

I'm going to be sticking with my 1080 as long as I can, but my Windows 10 screen went green about half an hour ago so I think it's on it's way out. 

ArmitageShanks Publish time 2-12-2019 05:40:08

Check you cables. Or it could be a bad nVidia driver...I just installed the latest yesterday, but no problems so far.

bilbosmeggins Publish time 2-12-2019 05:40:09

Hope that pans out well.Timing couldn’t have been much worse 
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