Tempest Publish time 2-12-2019 05:51:36

The Yogatab 3 plus definitely running the video benchmark smoother, and has better sound.


Triggaaar Publish time 2-12-2019 05:51:36

Is that for the Yoga Tab 3 plus?

10" better than 8 IMO, but each to their own of course.

You could always tether it to your mobile. Most places have wifi anyway these days, but if you need a 4G, fair enough.

The Samsung S2 9.7" is excellent I think, and not crazy expensive.

Great multimedia device. Only downside is the weight, if you're wanting something lighter in bed etc.

Tempest Publish time 2-12-2019 05:51:36

Thanks for this.
I'v hunted round reviews, and as always you get a mix of opinions and have to come up with a conclusion, always annoying as you can't really buy 3 or 4 tablets and try them yourself 

I'm just feeling dam annoyed again at these companies, not updating Android, and it's what Apple Fans take the pee pee out of Android for, and you know what, they deserve it.

How much money does Samsung have? And in late 2017 they still selling new today an Android 6 lollipop tablet, with I'm pretty sure zero chance of any update.

According to Google:
General availability: November 12, 2014; 3 years ago

And Samsung call it the 2016 tablet, so it was way out of date, android wise, even when it was launched! 

I want to fly over to Samsung and give them a slap!

What I can't grasp is, WHY can't these companies understand, if they bought out a tablet today, with 100% stock android, which got constant updates, just a fraction behind an official Google product/Tablet, it would do down a storm. But no, they have to customise it a bit, which then means they don't want to spend the time/money with updates...

rant rant grrr grr..... 


YogaTab 3 and Samsung A are both stuck on Ancient Lollipop 

The Lenovo 4 is Nougat
General availability: August 22, 2016; 15 months ago

Which it pretty much a year old, as we are just on the new one OREO now.
Call me stupid, but I just have "issues" buying a product today, with the 3 year old 2014 Lollipop on it and feeling it's pretty much dead as a product before I even get it 

(as much as I don't want an iPad, I wish other companies kept updating)

4g.Yes, I know.
It seems the placed I end up going have generally zero public WiFi.
In fact, I've been warned it's generally dodgy security wise to hop onto a wifi point you find.
I've never done it, but yet, I know I can carry my phone also and set up a hot spot, but really this is just about convenience.

Going to shops, or a car boot in a field?
Whip out my tablet and check price on Amazon, or a very quick youtube review.
I've never had a 4G tablet, and I'd not use that ability much, but it would be very handy when you wanted it.

Size wise, tricky.
I almost want a 10" model for around the home / advert breaks, but for in-bed, tempted that something smaller would do, even 7" in bed is enough  errr missus!
In reality, I could use my phone for that.

Battery life on standby is major important.
I have to shut my Hudl down cold every night as it will drain on Standby.
And I charge it, every 3 nights (just about 1 hour video in bed every night)

I was spoiled a few years ago by my iPad one.
If I left my iPad one on standby, Not turning it off.
After a whole day, it perhaps would only use 1%
and 3 years later, it was just as good. And build like a tank!

Grrrr Why should it be so hard to buy a up to date android tablet with nice speakers and good battery life?

Tempest Publish time 2-12-2019 05:51:36

Apologies for the rant above....
It's just frustrating, that your only option is something very very high end and super expensive OTT or something pretty much out of date before you get it out of the box.

Android Tablets seem to be in a kind of Limbo Land.
Google Not replacing the amazingly popular Nexus 7, with something like a Nexus 8 a few years later, clean android, good price, really was a disaster.

Given then must have seen how popular the Nexus 7 was, and what a poor welcome the Nexus 9 received at the time, one may if hoped it might have dawned on them, they screwed up, and would get back to what they did great and the market loved.

But no, they did the Nexus 9, it was not loved, and they just gave up 

HaRd2BeAr Publish time 2-12-2019 05:51:37

Which Samsung are you on about?

Here's my tab A16 10.1


And it's slated to get 8.0 (Oreo) as well.

Tempest Publish time 2-12-2019 05:51:37

Thanks for that.
I'm pleased to see it's got Android 7. That's at least a plus from what I thoughts 

Oreo wise, it seems it's officially un-clear:

Not that, this would be end of the world for me. As long as it's Nougat which yours is.

So I'm pleased about that.... Thanks 

Whilst just looking for reviews on tablets on YouTube, I randomly stumbles across this:
It's not a long video, but at 30 seconds in, you can see what shocked me:

Now, I can 100% say, I'm NOT buying this for gaming, but still, that looks a bit, ummmmm.

If you compare the video above (at 30 seconds in)
With this one below at 2:12 in (the same point in the demo) on the two Lenovo tablets.

Something to think about perhaps?
Not that I'm into gaming on tablets, as I say, but it's quite dramatic

Tempest Publish time 2-12-2019 05:51:37

Just for comparison (and as I say gaming is not a priority, but the geek in me struggles here!)
Antutu Benchmark:

Galaxy Tab S2 T813 = 85180
Lenono Yoga Tab 3 = 78982
Lenovo Tab 4 Plus = 63468
Galaxy Tab A (2016) T580 = 45474

Current Pricing (ish):

Galaxy Tab S2 T813 = £280
Lenono Yoga Tab 3 = £150-My Mistake: This should be £250 for this PLUS model
Lenovo Tab 4 Plus = £200
Galaxy Tab A (2016) = £180

Out of interest:
Nvidia Shield Tablet 87558 (another one they let die!)
Whic is still on Nvidia's site though you can't buy it.

Tempest Publish time 2-12-2019 05:51:37

Found this:
Thought it may be helpful for those looking as it shows 3 different benchmarks across some of the models we have been talking about


Triggaaar Publish time 2-12-2019 05:51:37

Aren't you a little old to worry about fanboys taking the piss? While some Android devices don't get an update, Apple devices get updates that ruin the device, and you can't roll back. For example, my iPhone 4S was doing great with iOS 7, then I updated to 8 and it was ruined. Nothing the owners could do, we were all stuck with it.

Why is it dead exactly? So what if it runs on Android 6 or 7 for its entire life, what's the problem? You said your Hudl is still going strong, that's not dead and is much older than 6 or 7 I assume?

You can do that on your phone.

Triggaaar Publish time 2-12-2019 05:51:37

But that's not what it looks like when gaming, that's the device completing a benchmark test. The Tab A is a budget device though, it was £159 at Argos a few weeks ago and you can get a discount on that too.

The Lenovos are a bit more expensive. Battery life on the Tab A maybe a little bit better, but the Lenovos are faster and more expensive.
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