sneakyweeone Publish time 2-12-2019 22:21:24

Yes but you can bank your week for use the next year. I'm early 50s so hopefully have a few years ahead of me!

True Romance Publish time 2-12-2019 22:21:25

Image your week(s) are the same week as some neighbours from hell.

Would you really be happy going to the same place every year?

What is the yearly increase on maintenance costs? £500 per year could quickly become over £1k.

We did a time share sales pitch a few years back and the yearly maintenance costs were what killed the idea for us.

I guy I work with has one and swears by it so it does work for many.

sneakyweeone Publish time 2-12-2019 22:21:25

In the last three years the management fee has went up by £30 in total which is reasonable I think. You always take a chance with neighbours but from what we have seen it is mostly pensioners and families with small kids. The rules are quite strict about noise according to the constitution.
At the right price for us we have decided to buy. I'll let you know how that process goes.
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