BB3Lions Publish time 2-12-2019 22:34:36

Family holiday in Cyprus, recommendations please.


Away from the stereotypical British/Russians abroad lot.

As close to living like a local as possible.

Nice bars/restaurant's.

Asking too much?

jenam93 Publish time 2-12-2019 22:34:37

Used to live in Cyprus, but that was long time ago (came back around '82) so it has no doubt changed massively.

We're currently looking at villas near Coral Bay, Paphos which is supposed to be quite nice but I think also were most ex-pats are these days.

No idea where the stereotypical British/Russians holidayers head to these days!

Average temperatures vary around the island a lot so worth looking at that aspect.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 2-12-2019 22:34:38

We stayed away from the east coast last summer for exactly that reason.

Had a lovely villa in Coral Bay, but boy pink Elvis impersonators, typical British Tourists without shirt, big belly and tattoos and heavy drinking. Russians mainly stayed at home and drank and were loud at the villa's. Restaurants are overtaken by McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Costa Coffee, and even traditional taverna's serve everything with chips. Yup didn't like it one single bit.

Now I've been for work to Nicosia and really enjoyed that. A world apart from the costal resorts. But not really what we were hoping for.

However, we did visit friends of mine who moved to the North and we spend a long day. I loved that part. No western brands in sight. Quality of food was fantastic. No lager loud. Really cool place. I was amazed by the amount of American muscle cars on the streets with Iraqi number plates. But yes I would go back there.

Alternatively I'd just go to a Greek island 

BB3Lions Publish time 2-12-2019 22:34:38

I am currently looking into Lanzarote but google street maps seem to show Irish bars etc and I have flashbacks from the accent, best not going into 

jenam93 Publish time 2-12-2019 22:34:39

Lanzarote is where we went last year, to Playa Blanca, which was really nice but a tad too windy for the 10 days we were there.Some friends went just over a week after we got back and had very little wind.

You would definitely want to avoid Puerto del Carmen!

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 2-12-2019 22:34:39

Playa Blanca was ok the last time we were there. The rest of the island is distinctly British in my opinion.

Mallorca similar but the mid/north west is not bad.

sunday2 Publish time 2-12-2019 22:34:39

Definitely not! We had a nice stay in this place in November 2015. The western part of cyprus is not so overcrowded. You can translate my german comment in the video with subtitles.

sunday2 Publish time 2-12-2019 22:34:39

Paphos has been selected as a European Capital of Culture for 2017. It should be interesting to go there this year. I think it should be easier to find quiet place there than in Coral Bay.
(As you can see to do videos is one of my hobbys.)

jenam93 Publish time 2-12-2019 22:34:40

Well we did it, we are booked into a villa in Coral Bay, supposedly a 15 minute walk from the beach and the restaurants.

It has its own pool and does not seem to be in a busy place or overlooked to much.

sunday2 Publish time 2-12-2019 22:34:40

Probably a good idea, if you want to have it quiet. I have something for you (and not only for you) to remember the place.
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