mjeshurun Publish time 2-12-2019 23:15:18

Sony ICDUX560 is the external mic port TRS or TRRS?

Hi friends,
I'm in need of a new voice recorder and the Sony ICDUX560 looks good.
In order to purchase a compatible lapel mic to use with the external mic port, I need to know which connection the recorder can work with.
Has anyone used this recorder and knows whether it works with TRRS, TRS (or maybe both) 3.5mm connector plugs?
Thank you.

outoftheknow Publish time 2-12-2019 23:15:19

I would expect the socket on that to be TRS. It clearly says connect a microphone and you can record stereo and I can’t see why they would add a TRRS socket to a bog standard recorder.

TRRS became a thing on mobiles more than standard audio only recorders.

If you have a TRRS plug on a microphone you want to use this thread may be useful

Question - TRRS Plug

Basically you will almost certainlyneed an adaptor.

Edit - reread your post and you want to buy a mic. Buy a TRS I would say. As above I would expect Sony to make a song and dance if it had a capability that needed a TRRS socket on the device.

ICD-UX560 / ICD-UX560F / ICD-UX565F | Help Guide | Recording with an external microphone

That diagram seems to show a TRS plug - again I can’t see why theY would add a TRRS external mic socket to an audio only recorder.

Let us know if they have defied logic though 

mjeshurun Publish time 2-12-2019 23:15:20

Many thanks, @outoftheknow . Your answer is very helpful
From your experience, is there a particular stereo 3.5mm lapel microphone you recommend?
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